Mass Medication not on says Soil & Health

The Soil & Health Association is calling for certified organic foods to be exempt from any possible mandatory food fortification schemes.

Today Soil & Health presented a submission to Food Standards Australia New Zealand calling for consideration of consumer choice, particularly for those choosing a healthy diet free of additives.

FSANZ had called for submissions to its proposal to have Mandatory Folic Acid Fortification of bread flours throughout Australia and New Zealand.

“Soil & Health promotes organically produced foods that exclude synthetic additives in their production and an exemption for organic foods would give all consumers a choice”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

“Mass medication is not a suitable alternative to a strong healthy diet campaign by the Ministry of Health”

“The real concerns regarding the prevention of Neural Tube Defects need targeted attention that is as naturally healthy as possible. The effects of Dioxin and other environmental toxins also implicated in NTDs need addressing ahead of weak cross community medication in place of poor diet,” said Mr Browning.

“Our submission also pointed out the lack of consideration to small farm based flour millers if the suggested ‘all bread flours’ fortification regime was pursued.

These producers of nutritious local product would be unfairly disadvantaged if having to equip for fortification.”