NZFSA refuses to meet Betty Martini

The Soil & Health Association and Safe Food Campaign are calling for the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) to meet with visiting aspartame expert Dr Betty Martini.

Dr Martini has been refused entry at NZFSA today, even though Alison White of Safe Food Campaign has an aspartame presentation along with aspartame sufferer Abby Cormack. NZFSA have also discounted any future possible meeting with senior staff or scientists by Martini, which calls into question the purpose of NZFSA,” said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

“The carcinogenic, neurotoxin sugar alternative aspartame has been implicated in many serious illnesses and NZFSA is putting its head in the sand over this issue. Dr Martini has had access to top EU and UK officials so she should be able to get the same access in New Zealand.”

Martini who has the ear of all the main scientist players in the international anti-aspartame debate – Drs Soffritti, Roberts, Blaylock, Olney, and Cabot, is being hosted in New Zealand by Soil & Health Association and Safe Food Campaign.

Dr Martini was invited to New Zealand in the wake of Abby Cormack’s well publicised poisoning with sugar free chewing gum.

“Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) who set the actual food standard for aspartame in New Zealand have yet to respond to a meeting request. A meeting would show that these agencies are capable of considering resisting the influences of the international pharmaceutical and food giants, and their dubious food safety assertions,” said Alison White, Co-convenor of Safe Food Campaign.

“Dr Martini is able to refute the aspartame misinformation that NZFSA promulgates, and she has documented proof that the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration), which NZFSA slavishly accepts, knew of the cancer causing and other serious health properties of aspartame.”

Public meetings are planned in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland.