Organics Organisation Gets An MP For Its Seventieth

The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand, which has just turned seventy, is hailing the election of Steffan Browning to Parliament as a great leap forward for New Zealand’s primary production sector.

Mr Browning, Soil & Health’s spokesperson, was elected to Parliament last weekend at number 10 on the Green Party’s list.

“We are delighted with Steffan’s victory,” said Soil & Health’s co-chair Dr Matt Morris. “This is a huge moment for organics in this country and one that we can justifiably be very proud of. It’s an amazing seventieth birthday present for our organisation.”

“Steffan has done a huge amount of work for the organics sector over the years, and now the organics sector is right behind him. Without Steffan’s tireless efforts, New Zealand may well have been littered with GE mad experiments gone wrong, a long time ago” Dr Morris said.

“Soil & Health wants to see Steffan on the Primary Production Select Committee, where he can have a real influence in shaping the organic future of our nation.”

“Steffan’s vast experience and campaigning in food issues such as aspartame, GE components, pesticides and toxic additives will fill a gap left by food safety champion Sue Kedgley, who has retired from Parliament.”

“We’re hoping he can bring about the change in land management practices and safe food our organisation was born for.”

The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand, founded seventy years ago in 1941, is the world’s oldest organic farming and gardening organisation and has 3000 members.