Soil and Health Association applauds new organic research report

New Zealand’s oldest  organic organisation, and publishers of Organic NZ , the Soil & Health Association – Organic NZ, is delighted with the growth in the number of organic producers and consumers over the past three years.

“The results in the latest organic market research report* show that organics is definitely moving from the fringe into the mainstream,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

Soil &Health – Organic NZ has sponsored a new section in this year’s report,which covers the organic community sector. “Our National Council was delighted to be able to offer their support to such worthy research” said Ms Swanwick.

Garden writer Christine Dann has contributed research results on the remarkable rise in organic community gardening in the past five years. Especially remarkable is the fact that community garden numbers have quadrupled in Christchurch over the past decade.

“For these communities to be self reliant has been especially valuable following the earthquakes. Christchurch has set an example to the rest of New Zealand as to why food security is so important with changing environmental conditions and contaminants in mainstream supply” says Swanwick.

The National Council of Soil & Health – Organic NZ will all be attending the launch of the  New Zealand Organic Market Report 2012 in Wellington on March 6.

The report is a major milestone which gives the organic sector and the general public a clear and positive message about the growth of organics in New Zealand which is line with the global trend.

“We are  heartened by the growth in the community, marae, school, early childhood and home gardening sector which reflects the growing awareness of the importance of safe, healthy and nutritious food from local sources” said co-chair Marion Thomson.

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food. Oranga nuku, oranga kai oranga tangata. Free information on what’s really in your food is available on their Organic NZ magazine facebook page.

New Zealand Organic Market Report 2012
To be launched in the Grand Hall, Parliament House
on Wednesday 6 March, 9-10.30am