Legal Team

Together we can keep Aotearoa GE-free!

One of the world’s oldest organic organisations is now using crowdfunding to help keep New Zealand’s valuable GE-free status.


The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand, founded in 1941, has just launched a Givealittle page to appeal for donations from a wide range of Kiwis who want a clean, green, GE-free Aotearoa.


Recently, Soil & Health has been defending the rights of councils to control the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their regions under the Resource Management Act.


Soil & Health’s new Givealittle page will help Kiwis contribute towards the costs involved in the High Court case held in Whangarei in February 2016. Soil & Health joined with others in the High Courtto protect Northland Regional Council’s ability to decide whether or not GMOs are released or field-trialled in Northland and, if so, whether any conditions should be placed on them. Soil & Health anticipates similar court cases in the future, so is also seeking funds now in preparation for these.


Any donations or financial support would be greatly appreciated and can be made via

Together we CAN keep Aotearoa GE-free!



For more information on the court case, visit:

For more information and GE and GMOs, visit: