Let Us Spray

As further exposed in Monday’s TV3 Let Us Spray documentary, the clear links between 2-4 5 T and 2-4-D manufacture and use, and spina bifida and other tragic deformities, show a need for a quick conversion by mainstream agriculture to organic production.

Tomorrow Food Safety Minister Annette King considers, with her Australian counterparts, another chemical approach to a minimal solution for spina bifidas often resulting from widespread toxins in food and environment and New Zealand’s deteriorating nutritional health status.

For many decades a persistent head in the sand approach to the chemical tools of the day has been taken, and those standing up for the environment and health have been ridiculed.

Soil & Health can recall Dows PR magazine, with then Prime Minister Keith Holyoake parading through Dow Chemicals New Plymouth factory extolling its virtues. Elsewhere in the magazine was a parody of Silent Spring author Rachel Carson.

Rachel Carson, an early advocate against agrichemical use and its effects on the environment was ridiculed at the time, but her particular focus and that of Dows, DDT, was soon to be proven as a persistent deadly pollutant.

“Now with dioxin laced 2-4-5-T and 2-4D clearly identified as a mutagen, other chemicals such as the fungicide benlate, also identified as a mutagen, should be withdrawn from use and cover ups surrounding adverse effects need to stop”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

Embracing a vision of truly sustainable primary production and more natural health care solutions will reduce such tragedies as experienced throughout New Zealand through the use of 2-4-5-T, 2-4D, DDT, benlate and other current agrichemicals.

Soil & Health calls for urgent assistance for primary producers to find alternatives to the widespread use of agrichemicals. Current agrichemicals include many with known mutagenic, endocrine disrupting and carcinogenic properties.

“This is not sustainable when the health effects, often carried by future generations, are taken into account. Nor is it sustainable as our markets look for cleaner and cleaner products”, said Steffan Browning

The Soil & Health Association sees a cruel link between intended mass medication of 4 million people with folic acid (synthetic folate) to reduce the effects of only 8 spina bifida pregnancies and the plight of those others exposed to dioxin contaminated herbicides.

Synthetic folic acid is intended to be added to all bread as a partial remedy to New Zealand’s Neural Tube Defect (NTD) plight. NTDs mostly present as spina bifida as shown on TV3’s documentary.

Spina bifida occurrence is greatly reduced by adequate folate levels around conception and early pregnancy.

The use of the chemical folic acid as an alternative to good diet with good natural folate levels is a poor sop to the advocates for spina bifida sufferers who have for many years called for Government intervention to the spina bifida scourge.

Rather than educate of the risks of agrichemical exposure and how to get spina bifida limiting natural folate, through a good diet, the market sensitive producers, agrichemical suppliers and Government have decided on a keep it quiet approach and instead the whole population is to be consuming another synthetic compound, folic acid.

This government, that has been complicit with cover-ups of the link between the widespread use of toxins in Godzone and human health, is now considering mass medication with synthetic folic acid, as some form of sop to those affected by previous widespread agrichemical use.

An average of only 8 out of ~70 NTD pregnancies will benefit from the mass medication of 4 million, and yet an educational program in Western Australia that included nutritional information and voluntary supplements achieved a 30% reduction in NTDs.

A program similar to that tried in Western Australia would mean 21 NTD pregnancies benefiting here in New Zealand, and would have widespread other health benefits, as such a program could also cover broader nutritional issues, and allow personal responsibility and consumer choice.

Synthetic folic acid is not likely to be on the same health scale as dioxin contaminated herbicides, yet, as with the supposed benefit and repeated assurances of safety of those earlier herbicides, a mass medication is now intended without even the more obvious health uncertainties of high folic acid intakes being deeply explored.

This economic decision to only benefit 8 pregnancies, while protecting bad industrial and agricultural practice and in turn using mass medication with synthetics, shows more of the same approach. A blind faith in chemical solutions to environmental and human health. It is time for a better vision for New Zealand, according to Soil & Health.

Soil & Health has long campaigned against toxins in the environment and food chain and is seeking an exemption for organic producers and consumers from any mass chemical fortification.

“Clean Green New Zealand needs an urgent vision of an Organic 2020, not the current chemical patches to chemical misadventure approach”, said Steffan Browning.

Government call for Consumer Choice ignored by FSANZ

Soil & Health is appalled at the lack of consumer choice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand’s (FSANZ) mandatory folic acid fortification of bread proposal released on Friday evening. The proposal is for effectively all bread to have synthetic folic acid added.

With no meaningful exceptions in the proposal, Soil & Health is calling on the Minister of Food Safety Annette King to use her influence for at least organic breads to be exempt to allow consumers choice.

“At the recent Baking Industry Association of New Zealand conference the Minister expressed the need for choice and the difficulty for bakers with the all bread proposal and I know she has heard consumers” said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

“Mass medication is not wanted by New Zealanders and New Zealand Government submissions to FSANZ were clear about that, but that message has been effectively ignored. New Zealand studies mentioned found the majority of participants were opposed to mandatory fortification with folic acid.”

The FSANZ Board has effectively rejected a strong submission* supporting the need for consumer choice from the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA). Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), Ministry of Economic Development (MED), and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs supported the wide-ranging submission. The Ministry of Health (MoH) supported the submission in principle.

“While varying from the Soil & Health submission, which called for a full exemption for organic products from the synthetic folic acid, NZFSA has certainly listened to consumer concerns and looked for a middle way through” said Mr Browning. “Soil & Health remains committed to helping organic consumers and small bakers find a solution to this draconian proposal.”

There have yet to be any publicly funded campaigns in New Zealand promoting naturally folate-rich foods or folic acid supplements to address the incidence of neural tube defects. Foods naturally high in folate are green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli and spinach), nuts, orange juice, some fruits and dried beans and peas. Cereals are moderate sources of folate. With children to be the more likely victims of excessive folate levels and health issues around excessive folate levels unresolved, choice and education are a better solution.

This FSANZ proposal leaves consumers baking their own bread as the only real option if wanting a choice. This is not acceptable to most organic consumers who, like other consumers. rely on commercial bakers for their synthetic free daily bread.

“My baker of choice uses no additives at all,” said Mr Browning “ and this decision takes no account of the natural folate already existing above average in the wholesome organic loaves.”

The FSANZ proposal says
“Mandatory folic acid fortification may be an issue for bakeries producing artisan breads using only ‘natural ingredients’, and for organic bread manufacturers. Artisan bakers may consider the fortification of their products will not fit with their niche market, and could be seen as detrimental to sales. Folic acid may not be considered a ‘natural ingredient’ as it is a synthetic form of folate, and may also conflict with organic industry standards.”

“FSANZ’ could use Standards New Zealand’s Organic Standard for a definition of organic to allow an exception” according to Soil & Health’s Steffan Browning, “Consumer choice would be the better for it.”

Soil & Health calls on Minister of Food Safety Annette King, New Zealand’s representative on the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council, to insist on real consumer choice by way of a review of this proposal at the Council’s next meeting on 25th October 2006.

Steffan Browning
The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc
021 72 5655

* Excerpts from the FSANZ decision analysis of NZFSA Submission

Consumer Choice
Refers to NZFSA (2005) and NZ Association of Bakers (2004) research on consumer attitudes to mandatory fortification that found the majority of respondents did not support mandatory fortification.

Considers that given the level of resistance to fortification in the New
Zealand population, consumers must have choice between fortified and unfortified bread products. Notes the current proposal would not provide consumer choice.

Health risks
Australian consumption data may not be accurate for NZ populations. Only appropriate to use Australian consumption data for NZ children if no suitable New Zealand data and modelling.

The percent of NZ children exceeding the UL could be far greater than 6% because all flour in NZ may be fortified with folic acid in NZ due to the inability of NZ flour mills to segregate bread making flour.

Children will be exposed to much higher levels of folic acid than previous generations. It may be in future generations of children that adverse effects become apparent.

No monitoring of young children has been undertaken in North America. Both of these countries provide some consumer choice between fortified and unfortified bread.
Removing bread from the diet of young children as an option for avoiding fortified bread would not be consistent with the New Zealand National Nutrition Guidelines.

New Zealand Commerce Commission (NZCC) considers there may be implications in the proposal standard regarding fair trade and labelling issues. The NZCC requests the opportunity to discuss these issues further before any decision to adopt the preferred option.

Mass Medication not on says Soil & Health

The Soil & Health Association is calling for certified organic foods to be exempt from any possible mandatory food fortification schemes.

Today Soil & Health presented a submission to Food Standards Australia New Zealand calling for consideration of consumer choice, particularly for those choosing a healthy diet free of additives.

FSANZ had called for submissions to its proposal to have Mandatory Folic Acid Fortification of bread flours throughout Australia and New Zealand.

“Soil & Health promotes organically produced foods that exclude synthetic additives in their production and an exemption for organic foods would give all consumers a choice”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

“Mass medication is not a suitable alternative to a strong healthy diet campaign by the Ministry of Health”

“The real concerns regarding the prevention of Neural Tube Defects need targeted attention that is as naturally healthy as possible. The effects of Dioxin and other environmental toxins also implicated in NTDs need addressing ahead of weak cross community medication in place of poor diet,” said Mr Browning.

“Our submission also pointed out the lack of consideration to small farm based flour millers if the suggested ‘all bread flours’ fortification regime was pursued.

These producers of nutritious local product would be unfairly disadvantaged if having to equip for fortification.”