
Food Sovereignty policy

Food Sovereignty, resilience & security

Everyone should be able to access affordable, safe and nutritious food that is produced in a way that enhances the environment.

The Soil & Health Association is committed to strengthening food sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand by:

  • Supporting the right to food as recognised by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
  •  Acknowledging Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi
  • Opposing local food supply being largely subject to international market forces.
  • Opposing multinational corporations’ control over seed and fertiliser patents.
  • Advocating for government support of local food production and processing, for example through food procurement policies.
  • Advocating for increased resilience and self-sufficiency of food production.-
  • Supporting local food economies and initiatives such as community-supported agriculture, community gardens and food forests, public orchards, seed banks and farmers markets.
  • Encouraging the development of food gardens and gardening education in public institutions such as early childhood centres, schools, marae, prisons, hospitals and retirement homes.

We believe in the right of people to:

Be able to access safe and nutritious food, grow diverse and nutritious food, and equip themselves with the resources and knowledge needed to sustain themselves and their communities.

We believe that:

Control of food should be placed in local communities and in a way that is socially, economically and culturally appropriate to their bioregion.

Organic, agroecological and regenerative farming can meet Aotearoa New Zealand’s nutritional needs, our climate change obligations, and improve the prosperity of our economy.