Food fit for Royalty

“We advocate for New Zealanders to have access to food fit for royalty” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson for Soil & Health, Organic NZ.  Her comments follow the departure of HRH Prince Charles and Camilla last week from New Zealand.

Britain’s best known organic farmer, HRH Prince Charles has long been an advocate of the sector.  In 1992 he incorporated his ideologies into his business portfolio, founding Duchy originals from Waitrose, which provides natural, high-quality organic and premium products, while helping to protect and sustain the countryside and wildlife. (1)

“I wanted to demonstrate that it was possible to produce food of the highest quality, working in harmony with the environment and nature, using the best ingredients and adding value through expert production.” said HRH Prince Charles speaking on the company’s ten year anniversary. (1)

Under the directive of  Queen Elizabeth, the Royals are also consumers of raw milk, including Princes Harry and William who were kept well stocked at Eton. (2)

Raw milk is a natural probiotic, and has been linked with improved immunity and decreased incidence of allergies for consumers. (5)

“Beware. You are entering an old-fashioned establishment” says the sign as you turn into Highgrove. (4)
“A parody then, we demand old fashioned manners from children yet our government regulations are failing to give them old fashioned, natural goodness” says Swanwick.

The Queen obviously recognizes some value in raw milk where New Zealand health authorities do not.

“They suggest raw milk is unsafe but that argument is duplicitous – we sell raw meat and raw poultry in New Zealand”  says Swanwick. “The problem with raw milk is it doesn’t have a corporate industry behind it yet in 35 States in America and many places in Europe, raw milk can be purchased”.

Lack of access to raw milk, for most city dwellers in New Zealand, denies consumers choice.

With the 60 billion dollar organic market forecast to double by 2015 there is increasing demand for natural food worldwide.
“That certainly is the case in New Zealand. Labelled as Demeter, Biogro, OrganicFarm and Assure Quality, nowadays organic food it is the only way you can ensure the purity of what you eat – natural food free of GE, pesticides and additives.  Organics essentially has the royal seal of approval” says Swanwick.
Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and promote GE free, organic, fresh and healthy food. Oranga Nuku, Oranga Kai Oranga Tangata.
Photo caption “Food is medicine and raw milk is about the best there is” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ
