NZ Free Range Pigs Farmers Deserve CoOL Support

New Zealand pig farmers that are practising humane free-range animal management practices deserve the benefit of Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (McoOL), and inhumane farmers need further ‘outing’ following SAFE’s expose of intensive pig farming, according to the Soil & Health Association of NZ.
“Good clear labelling on animal products including pork that shows the country of origin and farming style, should be available to New Zealand consumers who wish to choose their food ethically,” said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.
“The New Zealand pork industry which has been very disadvantaged by the lack of Country of Origin Labelling, with up to one million kg of pork imported weekly, must not let that disadvantage be used as an excuse for cruel farming practices here, but implement a labelling code of practice that supports its free-range farmers.”
SAFE’s (Save Animals from Exploitation) excellent work again exposed the cruelty of battery type pig farming this week along with comedian Mike King who had previously promoted NZ Pork in advertising.
“SAFE has shown up farming practices that are often hidden by poor retail labelling that disadvantages the farmers that show responsibility with animal welfare,” said Mr Browning.
“Ambiguous and misleading labelling that hides the Country of Origin of often cruelly raised imported pork combined with little effort by retailers to source humanely raised pork has encouraged cheap and cruel farming methods.”
“Clear labelling will support consumer choice of sustainable and ethically produced foods and encourage demand for products from the better farmers. Why should those that produce with humanity and environmental care be disadvantaged by poor labelling regulations.”
Soil & Health wants to see urgent implementation of Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling in New Zealand, as has happened just 2 months ago in the United States, along with a pork industry labelling code of practice that differentiates between free range and battery intensive raised pork.
Soil & Health is opposed to inhumane farming practices and has a vision of an Organic 2020. Organic farming standards do not allow the farming practices as SAFE has exposed.