2023 AGM Remits

On this page you can read about our one proposed remit and vote (scroll to the bottom to vote). For information about the AGM, AGM papers, and to register to attend, please visit our AGM page.

We have one remit, which is to adopt a revised constitution.

Remit to AGM: To Adopt the draft Constitution
  1. That the Soil and Health Association membership adopt the Constitution document known as the Constitution of the Soil and Health Association 2022 (the Constitution).
  2. The National Council supports the adoption of the Constitution.

The Constitution has been drafted as a result of changes to the law regarding the Incorporated Societies Bill 2022. An opportunity has been taken to:

  • Address any anomalies in the Soil and Health Constitution 2020 (the existing Constitution) and to
  • add new and make changes to rules governing various administrative matters including but not confined to conflicts of interest, termination of membership, fairness, and equity provisions in respect of relationships between members, and National Council and members.

You can read the draft constitution here: soilandhealth.org.nz/FINAL-Draft-Constitution

Voting instructions

If you are a member of Soil and Health (including subscribers to OrganicNZ magazine), you can vote for or against our remit. Electronic voting will close 5pm Thursday 5 October. Alternatively, if you attend the AGM you may vote over Zoom.

Vote now

We may contact you regarding your vote. If your membership is not current, we will ask you to pay the relevant membership fee before your vote is counted.

Any queries please contact the returning officer: manager@organicnz.org.nz

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