Thanks to the generous donations of Soil & Health members and supporters, the Project Gro fund has helped organic gardens in schools and communities around New Zealand.

Our project is based in Opunake, Taranaki. Project Gro funds have meant we have been able to reinvigorate the community garden on Opunake High School land that was established about five years ago, but had been in need of some attention with many of the workers (volunteer gardeners) having left the district to pursue employment opportunities.

I teach at the high school and have utilised the gardens as a project for school students in my Environmental Fitness whole-day course once every fortnight. With Project Gro funds we have purchased seeds, seedlings, rock dust, fertiliser and tools. We currently have beds brimming with garlic, brassicas, peas, beans and lettuce.

In the near future we will look at sustainability action projects within the school and community that students can work on for Education for Sustainability credits. Project Gro funds will assist here to get action underway.

Assistance has also been given to the Opunake High School garden, which is also looking the best it has for quite a while.

Peter Clement – Teacher

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