Report of the 2023 AGM

The 2023 AGM of the Soil & Health Association was held over Zoom on Saturday October 7th.

Draft Minutes

The draft Minutes of the 2023 AGM can be found here. Members who were present at the AGM may wish to suggest amendments to the Minutes, to be discussed and approved as final at the 2024 AGM.


The Agenda was as follows:

  1. Welcome and Notice of General Business
  2. Acceptance of Agenda
  3. Attendance and Apologies
  4. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM
  5. Introduction of Voting Section
    • Nominees for National Council
    • Nominees address to members
    • Questions to nominees
  6. Voting
  7. Reports
    •  Chair’s Report
    •  BioGro Report
    •  Branch Reports
  8. Financial Report
  9. Remit to adopt new Constitution
  10. General Business
    • Nomination of Brendan Hoare for Honorary Life Membership
  11. Closing


The following papers were presented to the AGM:


The following remits were agreed upon at the meeting:

  1. That the Soil and Health Association membership adopt the Constitution document known as the Constitution of the Soil and Health Association 2022 (the Constitution).
  2. The National Council supports the adoption of the Constitution

A copy of the Remits can be found here.

The draft Constitution can be found here.

Honorary Life Membership – Brendan Hoare

Members at the AGM ratified Brendan Hoare’s nomination as an Honorary Life Member of the Association, as agreed by the National Council.

The original nomination for Brendan’s life membership came from Philippa Jamieson and Marion Thomson.