Withdraw GE and apologise FSANZ (Food Safety Australia New Zealand)

Soil & Health wants a ban on seed imports of alfalfa, soy, corn & maize, as well as GE foodstuffs, from the USA and other GE producing countries, following shonky environmental and food safety appraisals by overseas agencies coming to light.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Monsanto have both been found wanting in the last month, with implications for New Zealand’s environment and food supply, according to Soil & Health.

“Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA), MAF, and the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) have all accepted pseudo science or untested recommendations from Monsanto, Syngenta, USDA, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and others, rather than the concerns of cautious New Zealanders”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

“Now with US courts and independent scientific peer reviews showing up flaws, including environmental and human health risks, in previously accepted data and institutions, it is time to smarten up clean green New Zealand’s controls.”

A number of genetically engineered foods have been allowed into our food supply without adequate testing, and the risk of environmental contamination from GE contaminated seed or microbes remains high, according to Soil & Health.

Following the release of previously blocked Monsanto data on rat feeding studies of MON 863 corn, approved by FSANZ in 2003 for use in food and feed in New Zealand, it was found that the rats fed with the GM corn showed signs of toxicity in the liver and kidneys compared with those fed non-GM corn. Possible hormone alteration was also shown.

“FSANZ and NZFSA are too quick to accept GE company pseudo science and have consistently ignored the concerns of those providing precautionary advice,” said Mr Browning.

“A FSANZ staff member has said that no independent feeding tests or independent assessments of company data are necessary and confidential company data are fine for safety assessments.”

“The new information shows that the FSANZ approach does not treat risk seriously enough, and MON 863 corn should be immediately withdrawn, with an apology to New Zealand consumers.”

Ministerial Review

“The ministerial review, recently requested by Food Safety Minister Annette King, of FSANZ’s draft decision to approve another Monsanto GE Corn (High-Lysine LY038), is a necessary change to the FSANZ once over lightly and she’ll be right mate approach to novel foods that have obvious health risks. The Minister now needs to review all GE foods with a view to the corrupt processes and risks to the health of New Zealanders,” said Mr Browning.

“NZFSA’s appalling acceptance of untested LL601 rice shows another agency’s predisposition for not rocking commercial interests, although consumer surveys consistently show that New Zealanders do not want GM food.”

Disturbing research that has been ignored to date by food safety authorities includes foods well established in New Zealand: GE soy and canola. Ten-year feeding studies on GE peas showed significant health risks and the peas were destroyed. However, most studies are short term and not independent, but more are finding a dangerous link between chronic illness and GE foods, says Soil & Health.


Giant seed company, Syngenta is also involved with cover-ups, illegal plantings, and contaminated shipments. Syngenta is responsible for the largest case of GE contamination in the world, with at least 185,000 tonnes of Bt-10 GE corn, which although approved only for animal feeds, was mixed with US grain meant for human consumption between 2001 and 2004, and sent around the world.

According to The Lancet, “BT10 contains certain synthetic genes and proteins which are not easily broken down by stomach enzymes. In some cases, such proteins may survive in the gut for ten to twenty times as long as most ‘natural’ proteins, and this may account for the lesions and other physiological abnormalities observed in animal feeding studies involving GM crops.” There are concerns that allergic reactions may follow, and that some abnormalities may lead to cancerous growths.

According to Dr. Brian John of GE Free Cymru, “Syngenta knew about the contamination of Bt11 corn by the illegal Bt10 variety several months before the story was broken by Nature magazine in March 2005. For at least four months Syngenta and the US regulatory authorities, including the USDA and USEPA, connived to keep the contamination incident under wraps, while contaminated grain continued to be distributed on the world market. Dr John maintains Syngenta at first failed to reveal that Bt10 contained antibiotic resistance marker genes, but then had to admit it under pressure from independent scientists.”

Soil & Health says that it is time for Syngenta products to be dropped. Syngenta was the company behind Corngate and withheld information from that inquiry, and all four sweet corn varieties implicated with the 2006 contamination event were Syngenta seeds.


Last month the USDA was found violating the law and called ‘cavalier’, by a U.S. District Court Judge for failing to adequately assess possible environmental impacts before approving GE Roundup Ready alfalfa developed by Monsanto.

Less than two weeks before, another judge found that there is ‘substantial evidence that the field tests (of GE Roundup Ready Bentgrass) may have had the potential to affect significantly the quality of the human environment’, and that the USDA could not process any further field test permits without conducting a more thorough review.

“New Zealand should ban seed import from companies and administrations with such a shonky record,” said Mr Browning. “GE Free alfalfa has particularly high potential as a high value export crop for New Zealand, according to a successful plaintiff in the USDA alfalfa case. The US alfalfa grower, Mr Phil Geertson, who visited New Zealand recently, told me that the US was contaminated due to Monsanto and the USDA’s incompetence, and New Zealand had huge potential as an exporter of varieties already in the country.”

“These revelations of corrupt corporate and closely connected US agencies, supplying misinformation and poor judgement, must mark a turning point for New Zealand agencies charged with food safety, health and environmental sustainability,” said Mr Browning.

“It is time for New Zealand to turn around from risky and unnecessary GE experimenting, and create a truly sustainable nation with an international point of difference: GE Free, clean and green, and heading to an Organic 2020.”

$2.1 million Organics Advisory Service Launch

The Soil & Health Association welcomes the launch of the Green Party initiated $2.1 million Organic Advisory Program, and sees the program as part of New Zealand’s aim of being a truly sustainable nation.

The Organic Advisory Program, operated through Organics Aotearoa New Zealand, is an outcome of the post election negotiations between Labour and the Greens, and will be launched on Thursday March 15 at Lincoln University.

The highlight of the program, according to Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning, is the ‘Smart Start’ service, providing growers a subsidised on-farm consultancy when considering conversion to organics.

Smart Start’s personalised focus is a significant initiative that for $200 allows producers access to a one-on-one consultancy on their own property, looking at the property’s potential for conversion to certified organic production.

While the Smart Start program will be available to most producers, Soil & Health hopes for a future even more affordable program, extending to the smaller and part-time producers that may supply only a roadside or Farmers Market stall.

The current criteria for Smart Start require the producer to have commercial organic aims in excess of $20,000.

“For consumer protection it is important to get all market stall-holders, who claim organic status, to become certified,” said Mr Browning.

Soil & Health is excited about other initiatives getting underway from the Organic Advisory Program, including the 0800-Organic Helpline, a website and various regional and sector initiatives.

Serious commitment by government can build on the Organic Advisory Program through even greater support and by implementing a target of 5% of land area in organic primary production by 2012, said Mr Browning.

Targets in several other countries have allowed significant growth in organics and sustainability benefits, while benefiting huge growth in international and domestic consumer demand for organic products.

For Soil & Health, this week’s launch of the Organic Advisory Program and, in particular, the on-farm Smart Start service are milestones towards an Organic 2020 and a truly sustainable nation.

NZ needs a clean seed industry

The report by David Oughton from his inquiry into the importation of genetically engineered corn seeds in late 2006, shows institutional corruption and calls into question the ethics of at least some individuals involved in border surveillance according to the Soil & Health Association spokesperson Steffan Browning.

The continued GE incursions also show the need for an urgent expansion of New Zealand’s seed growing industry, a ban on imports of seed from countries and companies that consistently supply contaminated seed.

That a MAF Quarantine Service officer who participated in the earlier decision to remove the requirements for double checks in approving risky seed imports, was also the officer that then ignored positive GE tests and allowed the GE contaminated sweet corn into New Zealand fields, has a very bad smell about it, according to Mr Browning.

The fact that of 90 consignments in 2006, 30 had incomplete computer records shows that staff involved were not taking the issue seriously and maybe some positions need reviewing, as much as systems need improving. This goes right to the top however, said Mr Browning, and the culture of indifference comes from many levels of government that have an arrogant and cavalier attitude to the wishes of New Zealanders and to the risks of Genetic Engineering. New Zealand’s zero tolerance to GE contamination must be defended effectively.

The Oughton report points out a need for improved border control systems focused on the dominant risk seed species; Brassica napus var . oleifera (oil seed rape), Glycine max (soy bean), Zea mays (corn/maize), Medicago sativa (lucerne/alfalfa).

Soil & Health agrees and sees a further method of precaution in a total ban on importation on those species from the US and other countries producing such GE seed.

Some giant seed companies are also consistently the suppliers of contaminated seed and should be penalised for supplying shonky product. Syngenta was the supplier of all the contaminated seed in this recent event, and is the subject of legal proceedings in several countries.

One independent US seed grower with New Zealand interests, has told me that he would prefer to see a New Zealand seed industry developed as GE Free, to allow varieties to be grown on in confidence in New Zealand and be marketed to an eager world, said Mr Browning. The niche market for New Zealand is clean and green and the commercial opportunities are superior to risky seed importation.

Contrary to some seed importers claims, the advantages of new imported varieties do not match the combined benefits of a New Zealand seed industry and clean product for rapidly growing lucrative and discerning markets. Soil & Health promotes Organic 2020 which fits well with the international growth in organics and has no place for GE contamination.

Soil & Health wants staff changes in border control, improved checking systems, a ban on risky imports and strong government encouragement for the New Zealand seed industry.

Ban Breast Cancer Pesticide

A pesticide that has been linked to breast cancer needs to be banned, say several community groups. The pesticide, endosulfan, is already banned in at least 20 countries.

The pesticide is at the top of the priority list of hazardous substances that the groups say the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) ought to reassess. ERMA is calling for submissions on which hazardous substances should be given priority reassessment by this Tuesday 30th January.

The groups, Safe Food Campaign, Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa, the Soil and Health Association and the Breast Cancer Network, point out that usage of this pesticide remains high in New Zealand, in spite of research linking it to adverse health and environmental effects. Apart from breast cancer, the insecticide has been linked to hormonal disruption, mimicking oestrogen and producing infertility, as well as foetal, gene, neurological, behavioural and immune system damage at very low doses. It persists in the environment and has been found in groundwater, soil and human breast milk.

“This antiquated organochlorine is long past its use-by-date”, said Dr Meriel Watts of Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa. “Many other countries have found safer alternatives and it is long past time we did too. It has devastated exposed communities overseas, causing many deaths and birth defects. It can cause breast cancer cells to proliferate at very, very low doses, and yet it is turning up in our food supply at increasing levels. It simply has to go. We have one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the world and we must do everything we can to reduce exposure to chemicals that increase the risk of breast cancer”.

“We also urgently want to get chlorpyrifos and all other organophosphates banned”, stated Alison White of the Safe Food Campaign. “Research published last month shows that 3-year-old children exposed to chlorpyrifos suffer nerve and mental damage as well as increased attention deficit disorder. A lot of very recent research reveals disturbing damage to the prenatal brain. Several overseas authorities, including the USA, EU, Canada and Australia, impose stringent restrictions on this insecticide and other organophosphates”, she added.

“2,4-D, the other half of Agent Orange, is still aerially sprayed and used a lot in New Zealand”, said Steffan Browning, Soil and Health Association spokesperson. “It causes a lot of spraydrift complaints and needs to be banned. It has caused severe economic losses and serious health effects to a number of farmers and their families, resulting in some of them giving up farming. Research has linked this herbicide to prenatal brain damage, breast and other cancers, and it has been shown to have an effect on hormones”, said Mr Browning. “Continuing dioxin contamination of 2,4-D causes even further effects.”

“Growers urgently need to stop using these damaging pesticides and change to more sustainable ways of growing which don’t damage our health, environment and New Zealand’s clean green reputation”, concluded Mr Browning.

Dirty Food Technologies

Time for Government to Pull Up NZ’s Slide into Dirty Food Technologies.

The Soil & Health Association wants 2007 to be the year that New Zealand confirms its Clean Green image and snaps the crown agencies out of the slide into the unsustainable and unwanted activities of GE and animal cloning.

Soil & Health also wants Fonterra, Meat New Zealand and other key commercial agencies and productive sectors to confirm that they will not be part of the slide to food production using cloning or genetic engineering.

Although against international consumer trends, government agency AgResearch has supported the US Food and Drug Administration’s direction of bringing food from cloned animals into the food chain.

Crop & Food another government institution continues to push ahead with genetically engineered food plant trials. Forest Research continues with its GE tree trials. Landcare Research is researching GE biological pest controls.

“With key politicians mooting a new era of sustainability and for ‘sustainability to be central to New Zealand’s unique national identity’, Clean and Green and 100% Pure need to be reinforced as New Zealand images, not attacked by unproven, high risk and unwanted technologies,” said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

Of particular recent concern was AgResearch’s cloning call, according to Soil & Health. AgResearch is way out of step with consumer preferences, and AgResearch support for the US FDA’s position that includes a no labelling intent for foods derived from cloned animals, is both arrogant and a call for commercial disaster.

GE Free and Clone Free must be standard for New Zealand in the new era of sustainability and huge international market growth for organics.

New Zealand benefits from its clean and green reputation, and foods need to be labelled to ensure consumers both in NZ and overseas can choose GE and clone free.

Consumers won’t want food that has animal welfare implications either, according to Mr Browning, noting that cloning has caused significant suffering in animals already.

Any involvement by Fonterra in cloning is also a step away from a sustainable future for its farmer owners. Real value-added products will have genuine ECO sustainability ticks or organic certification, not risky new food concoctions.

Organic certification, which is the vanguard of consumer guarantees for sustainable production, does not allow either GE or cloning in either production or processing.

Government expressing a target of an Organic 2020 to its funding and research agencies would be far more productive for New Zealand’s reputation, market appeal, and food and environmental safety.

NZ doesn’t need dirty sweet corn

Following the latest GE seed border incursion, the Soil and Health Association of New Zealand is once again calling for a stop to imports of sweet corn and maize seed, until absolute certainty of nil GE contamination is achieved.

‘Clean green New Zealand farmers deserve better protection by Biosecurity NZ, and those affected by dirty seed need fast assurance of fair compensation, just as the wider community needs assurance that the contaminated seed and young plants will be destroyed,’ said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning,

‘It is increasingly frustrating and disturbing having repeated border incursions of dirty seed. If some in MAF Biosecurity are letting their team and the rest of New Zealand down, and zero tolerance cannot be assured, then MAF must encourage further development of New Zealand’s own clean seed industry’.

‘Self sufficiency in clean seed can protect New Zealand’s clean green reputation as a GE Free producer’.

Prime Minister Helen Clark’s call for New Zealand to be the world’s first truly sustainable nation included the statement: “I want sustainability to be central to New Zealand’s unique national identity….”

‘Our unique national identity includes Nuclear Free and GE Free for most kiwis, and these repeated incursions tarnish that identity’, said Mr Browning.

‘Contrary to Dr William Rolleston of Life Sciences Network, who doesn’t mind a little contamination, the large majority of New Zealanders have consistently indicated they don’t want GE contaminated food or have GE crops grown.’

‘Organic growers and consumers who have sights on an Organic 2020 don’t need Life Sciences contaminated thinking. We want food and crops that our consumers and markets appreciate, not dirty low value commodities’.
Soil & Health is also concerned that possible dilution of contaminated parent lines of seed may be allowing intentional contamination into New Zealand.

Such concerns, according to Mr Browning, further fuel the need to develop New Zealand’s seed industry as part of a Clean Green, GE Free, Nuclear Free national identity.

PMs Sustainability Vision most important statement for some time

The Soil & Health Association congratulates Prime Minister Helen Clark for the vision of New Zealand being the world’s first truly sustainable nation.

Yesterday at the Labour Party Conference the Prime Minister asked, “Why shouldn’t New Zealand aim to be the first country which is truly sustainable… I believe that sustainability will be a core value in 21st century social democracy…

* I want New Zealand to be in the vanguard of making it happen – for our own sakes, and for the sake of our planet.
* I want sustainability to be central to New Zealand’s unique national identity….”

“This is the most important and exciting statement for New Zealand’s future for some time from that level,” said Steffan Browning, Soil & Health spokesperson, “New Zealanders will welcome a vision of a truly clean green country.”

This significant vision fits with the Soil & Health vision of an Organic 2020, where by the year 2020 most of New Zealand’s production is certified organic and the remainder is in conversion to organic.

With milestones towards an Organic 2020 being difficult to achieve until recently, such vision from the Prime Minister is encouraging. It comes on the back of last year’s Government funding support for sector group Organics Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Green Party initiated funding for an Organics Advisory Service.

“Organic milestones will be more easily attained with a sustainability vision coming from the Prime Minister,” said Mr Browning.

“Organic production leads the way in sustainable methods of primary production, and a visionary Prime Minister will hopefully do all in her power to ensure the organic sector, as a vanguard of sustainability, can maintain its development into the future.”

Prime Minister Helen Clark finished, “Our country is special, and our people are special.” Soil & Health would add its motto ‘Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People.”

An organic exemption from folic? Could be.

The Soil & Health Association is thrilled that there is to be a review of the decision to mandatorily fortify bread with folic acid.

The review allows further opportunity for an exemption from the fortification proposal for organic breads to be considered.

“Soil & Health is grateful that New Zealand Food Safety Minister Annette King has allowed this further opportunity”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

Soil & Health and other organic organisations on both sides of the Tasman have called for their Food Standards Ministers to allow consumer choice through an organic exemption.

“Such an exemption would allow for organic bread to be as organic consumers expect,” said Mr Browning, “that is, bread without any artificial additives.”

The Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council meeting held in Sydney, where NZ’s Food Safety Minister met with 9 Australian ministers yesterday, reinforced its commitment to mandatory fortification, with the review over 6 months.

The Ministers’ joint communiqué included,

“Food Standards Australia New Zealand have been asked to review the proposed standard due to technical considerations with the implementation of the standard, and compliance issues, within six months.”

Soil & Health is aware of many letters to NZ Minister Annette King from organic consumers. Australian organic consumers and organisations recently also called on Australian Ministers to consider an exemption.

Members of Parliament from a range of parties also supported the Soil & Health position, as did New Zealand Consumers Institute, with Organics Aotearoa New Zealand leading an organic sector delegation to a recent meeting with Annette King.

“An organic exemption from mandatory fortification with folic acid would show acknowledgement of the rights of organic consumers to continue selecting their food according to their needs, and for organic millers and bakers to remain in business”, said Mr Browning.

An exemption for organic bread will give all consumers a choice of a fortification free product while still accessing a healthy option.

Let Us Spray

As further exposed in Monday’s TV3 Let Us Spray documentary, the clear links between 2-4 5 T and 2-4-D manufacture and use, and spina bifida and other tragic deformities, show a need for a quick conversion by mainstream agriculture to organic production.

Tomorrow Food Safety Minister Annette King considers, with her Australian counterparts, another chemical approach to a minimal solution for spina bifidas often resulting from widespread toxins in food and environment and New Zealand’s deteriorating nutritional health status.

For many decades a persistent head in the sand approach to the chemical tools of the day has been taken, and those standing up for the environment and health have been ridiculed.

Soil & Health can recall Dows PR magazine, with then Prime Minister Keith Holyoake parading through Dow Chemicals New Plymouth factory extolling its virtues. Elsewhere in the magazine was a parody of Silent Spring author Rachel Carson.

Rachel Carson, an early advocate against agrichemical use and its effects on the environment was ridiculed at the time, but her particular focus and that of Dows, DDT, was soon to be proven as a persistent deadly pollutant.

“Now with dioxin laced 2-4-5-T and 2-4D clearly identified as a mutagen, other chemicals such as the fungicide benlate, also identified as a mutagen, should be withdrawn from use and cover ups surrounding adverse effects need to stop”, said Soil & Health spokesperson Steffan Browning.

Embracing a vision of truly sustainable primary production and more natural health care solutions will reduce such tragedies as experienced throughout New Zealand through the use of 2-4-5-T, 2-4D, DDT, benlate and other current agrichemicals.

Soil & Health calls for urgent assistance for primary producers to find alternatives to the widespread use of agrichemicals. Current agrichemicals include many with known mutagenic, endocrine disrupting and carcinogenic properties.

“This is not sustainable when the health effects, often carried by future generations, are taken into account. Nor is it sustainable as our markets look for cleaner and cleaner products”, said Steffan Browning

The Soil & Health Association sees a cruel link between intended mass medication of 4 million people with folic acid (synthetic folate) to reduce the effects of only 8 spina bifida pregnancies and the plight of those others exposed to dioxin contaminated herbicides.

Synthetic folic acid is intended to be added to all bread as a partial remedy to New Zealand’s Neural Tube Defect (NTD) plight. NTDs mostly present as spina bifida as shown on TV3’s documentary.

Spina bifida occurrence is greatly reduced by adequate folate levels around conception and early pregnancy.

The use of the chemical folic acid as an alternative to good diet with good natural folate levels is a poor sop to the advocates for spina bifida sufferers who have for many years called for Government intervention to the spina bifida scourge.

Rather than educate of the risks of agrichemical exposure and how to get spina bifida limiting natural folate, through a good diet, the market sensitive producers, agrichemical suppliers and Government have decided on a keep it quiet approach and instead the whole population is to be consuming another synthetic compound, folic acid.

This government, that has been complicit with cover-ups of the link between the widespread use of toxins in Godzone and human health, is now considering mass medication with synthetic folic acid, as some form of sop to those affected by previous widespread agrichemical use.

An average of only 8 out of ~70 NTD pregnancies will benefit from the mass medication of 4 million, and yet an educational program in Western Australia that included nutritional information and voluntary supplements achieved a 30% reduction in NTDs.

A program similar to that tried in Western Australia would mean 21 NTD pregnancies benefiting here in New Zealand, and would have widespread other health benefits, as such a program could also cover broader nutritional issues, and allow personal responsibility and consumer choice.

Synthetic folic acid is not likely to be on the same health scale as dioxin contaminated herbicides, yet, as with the supposed benefit and repeated assurances of safety of those earlier herbicides, a mass medication is now intended without even the more obvious health uncertainties of high folic acid intakes being deeply explored.

This economic decision to only benefit 8 pregnancies, while protecting bad industrial and agricultural practice and in turn using mass medication with synthetics, shows a more of the same approach. A blind faith in chemical solutions to environmental and human health. It is time for a better vision for New Zealand, according to Soil & Health.

Soil & Health has long campaigned against toxins in the environment and food chain and is seeking an exemption for organic producers and consumers from any mass chemical fortification.

“Clean Green New Zealand needs an urgent vision of an Organic 2020, not the current chemical patches to chemical misadventure approach”, said Steffan Browning.

Consumer Choice with Folic Acid

Never before have New Zealanders’ been subject to mandatory fortification of their food. Never before have New Zealand’s organic bakers been faced with having to add synthetic additives to their bread. Organic products must have an exemption from mandatory fortification.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have decided to mandatory fortify bread with folic acid and are expected to make a similar decision for iodine. Both are outside organic consumer expectations.

Food Safety Minister Annette King, meeting with fellow Australian Ministers, can either agree with the decision at the Food Standards Ministerial Council meeting in Canberra, October 25, or seek a review of the decision.

Soil & Health, and the organic bakers and flour millers listed below, call on the Hon. Annette King to allow New Zealand consumers an organic choice.

The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc is 65 years old, and is the largest membership organisation supporting organic food and farming in New Zealand, and as such advocates for a healthy natural diet derived from food produced organically and free from additives.

Organic bakers, farmers and millers using natural growing, and baking techniques and ingredients seek an exemption from mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid and iodine.

Organic bakers do not use synthetic additives, and such additives are completely against the principles of organic production.

Small mills will have difficulty in equipping for fortification and this would be a barrier to fair trade. Some mills may have to close down.

Organic bakers take pride in the natural quality of their products.

Organic consumers seek out organic products because of the way they are produced and the absence of synthetic ingredients. Many organic breads are whole grain, maintaining natural folate.

Organic consumers are most often health conscious and many use specific dietary items to address known nutritional gaps.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) decision for mandatory fortification with folic acid and the proposal to fortify with either potassium/sodium iodate/iodide is without precedent in New Zealand. No other fortification of food has ever been mandatory in New Zealand.

Consumers have indicated in surveys that they do not want mandatory fortification. In a New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) 2005 study, 84% thought mandatory fortification should not apply. Over 75% of the study group emphasised consumer choice is very important.

The only consumer choice granted by FSANZ is unleavened breads and unfortified flour. This is not really choice for most consumers.

An exemption for organic bread will give all consumers a choice of a fortification free product while still accessing a healthy option.


Organic Bakers

* Purebread – Robert Glensor Ph 04 902 9686, 0274 575 964
* Breadman – Steffen Klink Ph 03 365 0990
* Venerdi – Phil Ph 09 813 5481
* Helios Bakery – Matthias Kroeger Ph 09 372 8382
* Dovedale – Greg Ph 03 539 1167
* Essene Bread – Colin Thomson Ph 09 835 1223
* Watermill Bakery – Bolli Bolliger Ph 06 370 1129
* Quake Bake – Robert Hass Ph 06 833 6446

Organic Millers

* Millmore Downs – Ian & Gita Henderson Ph 03 314 3712
* Terrace Farm – Geoff & Ira Wilson Ph 03 302 8663
* NZ BioGrains – Harry & Mary Lowe Ph 03 308 7349

Below are examples of the options left for consumers who want to avoid mandatory fortification of all other bread with folic acid and iodine. The other alternative is to bake your own bread.