
Joint Submission on the A1139 Potato to Food Standards Australia New Zealand


GE Free New Zealand in Food and Environment and the Soil & Health Association of New Zealand (“we” and “the submitters”) welcome the opportunity to comment on the application A1139 Food derived from Potato Lines F10, J3, W8, X17 & Y8 (“Application”).

GE Free New Zealand in Food and Environment (“GE Free NZ”) is an Incorporated Society.  It is a non-Governmental Organisation governed by a Board and has a nationwide membership base. It represents its members when making submissions and helps with gathering and disseminating information concerning genetically modified organisms (“GMO”) to its members and the wider public through regular newsletters and its website (

The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc. (“Soil & Health”) is a charitable society registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. It is the largest membership organization supporting organic food and farming in New Zealand and is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world, established in 1941. Soil & Health’s objectives are to promote sustainable organic agricultural practices and the principles of good health based on sound nutrition and the maxim: “Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy people”. Its membership is chiefly composed of home gardeners and consumers, organic farmers and growers, secondary producers, retailers and restaurateurs. Soil & Health publishes the bi-monthly ‘Organic NZ’ magazine – New Zealand’s leading organics magazine.

We recommend that FSANZ decline the Application. We submit FSANZ cannot approve the potato lines in the Application without a serious breach of its duty of care as well as the principles of its own mission statement.

We note that there are insufficient data on both the sprays and novel proteins detailed in the Application.

We note that FSANZ’s legal requirements as stated in its mission statement are:

To protect, in collaboration with others, the health and safety of people in Australia and New Zealand through the maintenance of a safe food supply.

FSANZ Values are:

  • To be impartial, open and accountable;
  • To use the best available sciences and evidence to guide decision-making; and
  • To seek, respect and be responsive to the issues raised by others.

FSANZ Responsibilities are:

  • Provide information to consumers to enable better consumer choice;
  • Undertake dietary exposure modeling and scientific risk assessments; and
  • Provide risk assessment advice on imported food.

We have read the assessments for this Application and consider that FSANZ have led stake holders and consumers astray. We outline our concerns below.

Detailed submission

It is illegal to import viable GE plants or plant parts into New Zealand. Potato plants can readily regenerate from even small parts of raw tubers, therefore making any raw imported GE potatoes equivalent to live GE plant material. This will endanger the biosecurity status of New Zealand. It would be illegal to approve the entry of these GE potatoes/potato pieces into the country.

Not labeling GE-containing foods at the point of sale is a breach of consumer rights. The lack of labeling of GE potatoes sold in any form by restaurants is deceptive, as consumers will be unaware of this.  FSANZ should support rather than oppose the enforcement and monitoring of compliance around GE food labeling.

No independent food safety experiments have been carried out on these GE potato lines. Instead FSANZ has relied on data from within the GE industry, i.e., the applicant data.  This shows that FSANZ has not been impartial, open or accountable to the public. FSANZ has not required that any independent experimental food safety assessments be undertaken on these potatoes.  It can therefore not provide advice on the safety of these imported potato lines, such advice being its core responsibility.

The executive summary of the FSANZ evaluation reads:

The changes to levels of free amino acids and reducing sugars are not nutritionally consequential as they do not affect the levels of essential amino acids or other key nutrients important to potato.

This statement assumes that any changes in the amino acids, free or otherwise, do not affect the levels of all other compounds present in the GE potatoes. The amino acid glutamine, for example,  plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system, digestive tract and muscle cells.  Any changes to amino acid balance may cause alterations to the assimilation of other amino acids.  Studies have shown glutamine to reduce morbidity and mortality in periods of critical illness. [1]  This demonstrates that any changes to endogenous amino acid levels should not be ignored.

Statement on Compositional analyses:

A detailed compositional analysis was performed on W8, X17, Y9, F10 and J3 to establish the nutritional adequacy of tubers produced from these lines and to characterise any unintended compositional change. Analyses were done of proximates, fibre, vitamins, minerals, total amino acids, free amino acids, sucrose, reducing sugars (fructose and glucose), and anti-nutrients (glycoalkaloids). These showed that, even with the intended changes to sucrose, reducing sugars and asparagine, the levels of all analytes fell within the natural variation found across the range of conventional potato lines used for human consumption. No conclusion could be reached in relation to line E56 as no compositional data was provided. (iii)

The changes in concentrations of glutamine and asparagine in the GE potato lines may be of some concern.  Altered levels of asparagine can result in complications in fetal development, causing brain and neurological problems.[2]

There are concerns over the meaning of “biological relevant differences” as stated in the summary document:

Analysis of the events W8, X17, and Y9 have not revealed any biologically relevant differences compared to the conventional varieties, except for the intended late blight protection, low free asparagine, low reducing sugars, and low polyphenol oxidase activity.

Assuming “biologically relevant differences” translates as food safety, there are no feeding studies to back up this statement, so such assumptions are unable to be made.

Published research on GE potatoes has shown unexpected harmful effects on animals fed with these crops.  A 1999 study (Ewen and Puzstai) conducted on rats fed with  transgenic potatoes found that abnormalities occurred in the gastrointestinal tract (small intestine and caecum) within a short time.[3] This study found that the GE potatoes caused gut abnormalities with or without (an ‘empty construct’) the lectin gene.  Lectin is a harmless insecticidal compound produced by a number of plants. The authors concluded that:

“(b)ecause caecal thickness was similar in rats given boiled parent potatoes in the presence or absence of spiked GNA (a harmless lectin from the plant species Galanthus nivalis), we suggest that the decrease in caecal mucosal thickness seen in rats fed boiled GM-potato diets was the consequence of the transfer of the GNA gene into the potato.”

These GE potatoes were not subsequently commercialised.

Similar results were obtained in feeding experiments using GE potatoes by Fares et al.[4] , who found that there were changes to the mucosal lining and other cells of the ileum of mice. They called for comprehensive feeding tests to avoid any potential risks:

“Although transgenic crop plants used in food and feed production carry different beneficial transgenes… before releasing for marketing thorough tests and all possible consequences of these new types of heredity and new genetic structures must be evaluated to avoid any potential risks”

A 2007 study showed that the consumption of GE potatoes has been observed to cause an increase in immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in human participants.[5]

This is cause for concern, as antibody levels may well have increased as a result of novel proteins present in the GE food.

These afore-mentioned studies are but three of many published studies on the harmful effects of GE foods.  Please refer to the submission of the Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility (PSGR) for a more comprehensive list of publications on the harmful effects of GE crops, as observed in feeding experiments.

The obligation of FSANZ is to make themselves aware of such studies and treat all GE foods as potentially harmful.  It would be completely irresponsible to allow these potatoes onto the market. Feeding studies need to be conducted on the GE potato lines in this application before the potatoes are released. This will determine whether these lines have negative health impacts, or even life threatening responses, such as an allergic reaction.

Changes in Metabolites

Cellini et al. (2004) reported widespread changes to metabolite levels, both expected and unexpected in GE potato lines.  They recommended that data analysis tools need to be used.[6]

A study of potato metabolite production has found that field-grown vs laboratory-grown potato tubers showed a tenfold and greater differences across a range of compounds.[7] The potatoes with modified sucrose metabolism or inhibited starch synthesis revealed unexpected disaccharides (trehalose, maltose and isomaltose).[8] Such changes in metabolites cannot be overlooked, when assessing this application.

A particular cause for concern is that FSANZ has deemed the six GE potato lines  in this application as “safe”,  when there is no compositional data on one line E56.

Applicant data to APHIS[9]

We have outlined the comments from the data provided to APHIS about the potatoes.

7.3 Soft root testing with tubers

Of the events in that trial (E12, E24, F10, J3, J55, and J78), the only significant difference was that event F10 was more resistant  to this disease than the control. (APHIS p.46)

Late blight foliage testing

Considering both studies, we conclude that the events have similar susceptibility to bacterial soft rot as the controls. (APHIS, p.46)

7.4 Reducing Sugars.

Tubers of the events G11, H37, and H50 contain the same amount of reducing sugars as tubers of their untransformed (non-GE) counterparts. The inability of the silencing construct to limit glucose/fructose formation in H37 and H50 may be due to the fact that the H variety is naturally low in glucose and fructose. Thus, we concluded that silencing of the promoters associated with the PhL/R1 genes effectively lowered reducing sugars near the time of harvest in most events but these differences were not sustained throughout storage for 2-5 months”. (APHIS,p. 47)

Disease susceptibility – Appendix 8

Thus, independent lines of two chipping varieties and two French fry varieties with low Ppo expression in tubers were shown to have similar susceptibility to bacterial soft rot to the corresponding untransformed control for each variety.


The APHIS document on the GE potatoes details some significant differences in the  compositions between the GE lines and non-GE controls.  These GE potatoes are of no nutritional benefit to consumers and could contain higher levels of anti-nutrients.

FSANZ has overlooked three fundamental issues, when allowing this application to proceed:

  1. There are currently non-GE potato varieties available that are ideal for chipping and processing .

In section 2.4.3 of the application it states that the applicant has indicated that reduced blackspot bruising of these GE potato lines can reduce wastage during storage and processing, and that the potatoes are resistant to the fungal disease known as foliar late blight.  There are already several non-GE varieties of blight-resistant potatoes (including ‘Waneta’ and  ‘Lamoka’), which have been released by plant breeders from the University of Cornell (US). These varieties are ideal for chips, because they store very well and produce a good colour when cut 9. The Cornell breeding programme develops chipping and tabletop varieties, focussing on colour, size, shape, texture and disease- and pest-resistance.

  1. New Zealand has a range of excellent climates and soils in which to grow these non-GE varieties of potatoes. This would support NZ growers and potato processing plants. Furthermore, the importation of potato products from the other side of the world, is an unnecessary source of carbon emissions that will contribute to what is already a major world problem.
  2. Acrylamide production can be reduced by the use of sensible cooking methods. There is much information available on this topic.


We ask that FSANZ decline approval of A1139.

  • An adequate risk assessment and evaluation of the effect/s of novel genes/proteins and subsequent changes in the A1139 potato lines has not been carried out.
  • No independent feeding test risk assessments have been undertaken or evaluated by FSANZ.
  • The Applicant information provided on safety is insufficient and lacking up to date metabolic profiling using proteomic testing for entry into the food chain.
  • The lack of information does not allow the consumer to make informed decisions and removes consumer choice
  • By not allowing for labeling of A1139, FSANZ has not provided information to consumers that will enable better consumer choice.
  • The assessment has no information about any novel protein/s, which may have been produced during the GE process.
  • There is a lack of scientific data necessary to protect and maintain a safe food supply for the health and safety of people in Australia and New Zealand.

The best available science has not been used to properly guide decision-making.

  • The reliance on applicant’s data has not shown impartiality, openness and accountability.


[1] Lacey, J., & Wilmore, D. (2009). Is Glutamine a Conditionally Essential Amino Acid?. Nutrition Reviews, 48(8), 297-309.

[2] Ruzzo,E., Capo-Chichi, J., Ben-Zeev., Chitayat, D., Mao, H., & Pappas,A. et al. (2013). Deficiency Asparagine Synthetase Causes Congenital Microcephaly and a Progressive Form of Encephalopathy. Neuron, 80(2), 429-441.

[3] Ewen, S., & Pusztai, A. (1999). Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine. The Lancet354(9187), 1353-1354.

[4] Fares, N., & El-Sayed, A. (1998). Fine Structural Changes in the Ileum of Mice Fed on δ-Endotoxin-Treated Potatoes and Transgenic Potatoes. Natural Toxins6(6), 219-233.

[5] Tacket, C. O. (2007). Plant-Based Vaccines Against Diarrheal Diseases. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association118, 79–87

[6] Cellini, F., Chesson, A., Colquhoun, I., Constable, A., Davies, H., & Engel, K. et al. (2004). Unintended effects and their detection in genetically modified crops. Food And Chemical Toxicology42(7), 1089-1125.

[7] Roessner, U., Wagner, C., Kopka, J., Tretheway, N., Willmitzer, L., 2000. Simultaneous analysis of metabolites in potato tubers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Plant Journal 23, 131–142.

[8] Acrylamide Potential and Reduced Black Spot Bruise: Events E12 and E24 (Russet Burbank); F10 and F37 (Ranger Russet); J3, J55, and J78 (Atlantic); G11 (G); H37and H50 (H)  – 2013


Flouride policy

Fluoride in local body water supplies


In New Zealand around 60% of public water supplies have fluoride added to prevent dental decay. The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as silicofluorides. These fluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride products but unprocessed toxic industrial by-products of the phosphate fertiliser industry. There is conflicting evidence on the benefits of water fluoridation to dental health. There is also a growing medical concern about the cumulative negative wider health impacts of ingestion of fluoride. Many people in New Zealand already manifest dental symptoms of fluorosis – fluoride overdose. New Zealanders are already ingesting elevated levels of fluoride from plants and animals raised on land treated with phosphate which contains naturally occurring fluorides.

The Soil & Health Association is opposed to artificial fluoridation of public water supplies in New Zealand. We believe that adding fluoride to local body water supplies is a form of forced medication. We believe that individuals should have a right to choose whether they want to ingest fluoride or not. We believe that dental health is best achieved through a healthy diet and eating fresh, wholesome organic foods.

                                            Photo credit: Nick Holmes

Submission on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill


  1. The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc. (“Soil & Health”) was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 4 December 1942. Soil & Health’s objectives broadly include soil health and the promotion of organic gardening and farming. Its membership is chiefly composed of home gardeners and consumers, organic farmers and growers, secondary producers, retailers and restaurateurs. Its age and membership make it the oldest and largest representative organic organisation in New Zealand.
  2. Soil & Health is aware that currently in New Zealand around 60% of public water supplies have fluoride added as a treatment for dental decay. We are also aware that there is conflicting evidence on the benefits of water fluoridation to dental health and that there is growing medical concern about the cumulative negative wider health impacts of ingestion of fluoride and its adverse effects on the environment. The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as silicofluorides. These fluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride products but unprocessed toxic industrial chemical by-products of the phosphate fertiliser industry.
  1. As an organisation that advocates for organics we are opposed to the use of toxic chemicals in New Zealand. We are therefore opposed to the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies. We believe that adding fluoride to local body water supplies is a form of forced medication and therefore is a breach of section 10 of the Bill of Rights Act 1990. We strongly believe that individuals should have a right to choose whether they want to ingest fluoride or not. We believe that dental health is best achieved through a healthy diet and eating fresh, wholesome organic foods.

Detailed submissions

The role of the DHBs and local democracy

  1. The Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill (“the Bill”) was introduced to Parliament in order to enable District Health Boards (“DHBs”) rather than local councils to decide whether community water supplies are fluoridated “with the intention that the change would benefit over 1.4 million New Zealanders who live in areas where networked community water supplies are not currently fluoridated.”[1] This Bill therefore is fundamentally about facilitating the roll out of fluoridation of community water supplies across New Zealand. The Bill itself states in its Explanatory Note that: “Transferring decision-making to DHBs is expected to enable extended fluoridation coverage”.[2]
  2. The Regulatory Impact Statement says: “The Ministry of Health has considered a range of options for managing fluoridation and increasing the proportion of the population having access to fluoridated water supplies.”[3] We argue that “having access” implies having a choice. Under the Bill however there will not be a choice and in fact the Bill is about removing the ability for local communities to have a say on fluoridation. The Bill is therefore dishonest.
  3. It has been argued in the first reading of the Bill that democracy is upheld because the DHB’s have locally elected representatives, and are better placed to make decisions about the health benefits and risks of fluoridation. Part 1 Clause 8(2) of the Bill however sets out only two things the DHBs must consider when making a decision on, which are:

(a) the scientific evidence on the effectiveness on dental health; and

(b) whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

There is no provision for the DHBs to take on board community views, nor to assess health risks or environmental effects. Nor can the DHBs go against Ministry of Health objectives.

  1. The process as it currently exists for considering fluoridation enables local decision making amongst the communities affected. All residents of local councils who want to participate in the process can voice their opinion and a council decision can be appealed in court – as has recently happened in the case of Health New Zealand Inc v South Taranaki District Council.[4] Transferring the decision making from councils to DHBs will effectively remove the ability of communities to be fully involved in the investigation and reporting of any health, community or ecological impacts.
  1. We consider that the DHBs are also less representative of communities than councils because they are not independent. Under the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000 DHB’s “must pursue its objectives in accordance with any plan prepared under section 38, its statement of intent, and any directions or requirements given to it by the Minister”[5] and “The Minister may give a direction to all DHBs to comply with stated requirements for the purpose of supporting government policy on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the public health and disability sector.”[6]

The toxicity of fluoride

  1. The type of fluoride that is added to drinking water is not naturally occurring calcium fluoride, or even pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride.[7] It is a contaminated chemical by-product of the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing process, known as hydrofluorosilicic acid (“HFA”).[8] It is concentrated, highly toxic and contains hazardous impurities. Due to it’s toxicity by law it cannot be dumped onto the land, into rivers or the sea and cannot be discharged to air. Uranium and radium are found in HFA, both of which are known carcinogens. Two decay products of uranium are even more carcinogenic: radon-222 and polonium-210. Polonium decays into stable lead 206, raising significant health risks, especially for children. Research has shown that drinking fluoridated water increases lead absorption.[9]
  1. New Zealanders are already ingesting elevated levels of fluoride from plants and animals raised on land treated with phosphate which contains naturally occurring fluorides and many people already manifest dental symptoms of fluorosis – fluoride overdose. Further there is no antidote for fluoride toxicity and fluoride does not absorb to activated charcoal in filters.[10]
  1. A further concern is that the Bill’s is sole focus is on dental health with no requirement for the DHBs to assess risk to other parts of the body such as kidneys, liver, brain and thyroid.

Fluoride in the environment

  1. Fluoride ions are directly toxic to aquatic life, and accumulate in the tissues, at concentrations where absorption rates exceed excretion rates.[11] In a scientific journal article titled ‘Fluoride toxicity to aquatic animals’ Julio A. Camargo states how even at concentrations as low as 0.5 mg F/l fluoride in soft water can adversely affect invertebrates and fishes. Camargo further states that “safe levels below this fluoride concentration are recommended in order to protect freshwater animals from fluoride pollution.[12] There are other studies that indicate levels below water fluoridation level, 1.5ppm, have lethal and other adverse effects on fish. Delayed hatching of rainbow trout has occurred at 1.5ppm6, brown mussels have died at 1.4ppm7; an alga (Porphyria tenera) was killed by a four-hour fumigation with fluoride with a critical concentration of 0.9ppm 8, and levels below 0.1ppm were shown to be lethal to the water flea, Daphnia magna.[13]
  1. Only 1% of water from community water supplies is ingested by humans, the remaining 99% is discharged into the environment via the wastewater systems. Fluoride is not filtered out by wastewater plants. In 2015 an investigation found that approximately half a tonne of HFA is discharged every year into Lake Taupo via the Hangarito stream from the township of Turangi alone.[14] The safety datasheet for HFA by Orica states it is an exotoxin and to avoid discharge to waterways. New Zealand waterways are already in a dire state with a staggering 62% of monitored waterways being unsafe for swimming. Increasing the amount of fluoridation in local body water supplies will only make this worse.
  1. Of concern for the Bill is that transferring the decision making to the DHBs will mean that environmental effects of fluoride will no longer be taken into account. The DHBs role is to deliver public health services, not to take into account environmental effects. Whereas councils can assess environmental effects when considering fluoridation, DHBs cannot, because their statutory role is restricted to the delivery of health services.

The need for a precautionary approach

  1. Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration mentions the precautionary approach as follows:

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation

  1. The precautionary approach has been considered a milestone in its ability to reduce environmental risk as it involves an anticipatory preventative action in response to uncertainty. In its use public authorities are not only required to anticipate possible adverse effects that could arise from activities but also to act to control the risks even when it is still uncertain whether adverse effects will occur.
  1. A report compiled in 2013 for the Government of Ireland, the European Commission and the World Health Organisation titled ‘Public Health Investigation of Epidemiological Data on Disease and Mortality in Ireland related to Water Fluoridation and Fluoride Exposure’ found that public health authorities have pursued a policy of medicating the population with fluoridation chemicals for half a century without undertaking any clinical trials, medical, toxicological, scientific or epidemiological studies to examine how exposure to such chemicals may be impacting on the general health of the population. The report concludes that in the absence of any scientific data proponents of water fluoridation continue to believe that the policy is both safe and effective for all sectors of society regardless of the age, nutritional requirements, medical status or total dietary intake of fluoride of individuals.[15]
  1. While studies have shown that a lifetime exposure to fluoride can lead to health risks, especially to those with challenged immune systems and the young and the elderly, [16] it is still unknown at what point HFA causes harm. Our health authorities in New Zealand have not yet found the real safe level to protect sensitive groups, particularly people with kidney disease, diabetes and bottle-fed babies. No safety studies have ever been conducted anywhere in the world.
  1. Soil & Health strongly endorses a precautionary approach to fluoridation of local body water supplies at all levels of government and regulation. Due to the uncertainties of the safety of water fluoridation we consider that applying the precautionary approach should involve a moratorium on the fluoridation of local body water supplies until further research is undertaken.


  1. As set out above Soil & Health opposes the introduction of the Bill. Under the Bill local decision making will be removed, making fluoridation of local body water supplies easier to implement. A number of independent scientific studies have raised serious concerns about the adverse effects that HFA has on human health and the environment.
  1. We consider that to transfer decision making to the DHB’s the government is showing disregard for appropriate decision making, especially when any risk for those affected is not required to be assessed, nor can the DHBs assess environmental effects or go against Ministry of Health objectives.
  1. We urge the select committee to apply the precautionary approach and implement a moratorium on the fluoridation of local body water supplies until an ‘independent’ review of its effects on human health and the environment is undertaken.

Soil & Health wish to be in heard in support of our submission.


Yours sincerely

Name: Mischa Davis

Position: Policy Advisor

The Soil & Health Association

PO Box 340002


Auckland 0746

Phone: 0212667754



[1] Background to Bill

[2] Page 1 the Bill.

[3] Page 1 Regulatory Impact Statement.

[4] New Health New Zealand Inc v South Taranaki District Council – [2014] NZHC 395

[5] Section 22 (2).

[6] Section 33B (1).



[9] and




[13] Dave G. Effects of fluoride on growth reproduction and survival in Daphnia magna, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 78c (2)



[16] and

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