
Next steps for fresh water

Submission to: Ministry for the Environment
Submission Author: Marion Thomson
Monday, May 23, 2016


‘Next Steps for fresh water’ consultation document

Submission by the Soil & Health Association



The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc. (Soil & Health) was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 4 December 1942. Soil & Health’s objectives broadly include soil health and the promotion of organic gardening and farming. It has approximately 3000 members, chiefly composed of home gardeners and consumers, organic farmers and growers, secondary producers, retailers and restaurateurs. Its age and membership make it the oldest and largest representative organic organisation in New Zealand.

Soil & Health recognises that New Zealand freshwater is in a dire state, with a staggering 62% of monitored waterways being unsafe for swimming. A big factor in this is nitrogen pollution from the increasing intensification of agriculture. Nitrogen pollution is mainly from cow urine diffusing through soils and pasture root zones, so simply planting stream banks and fencing off streams cannot solve this issue. Going organic is part of the solution to fixing polluted fresh waterways in New Zealand. Organic dairy farming involves no soluble nitrogen fertilisers, lower stock numbers, more biodiversity, and grass-fed cows with no GE feed or palm kernel supplements.

This is why we welcome the opportunity to comment on the Next Steps for Freshwater consultation document (the document) which contains the Government’s proposals to improve freshwater management in New Zealand. This submission mainly focuses on the ‘Fresh water and our environment’ section of the document, which proposes to amend the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) to improve national direction on several areas. This submission also addresses some other sections in the document.

Soil & Health supports a number of proposals in the document and believe that they have the potential to improve the management of freshwater in New Zealand. These include proposals for measuring water quality by catchment rather than region, and to exclude stock from waterways through regulation. However Soil & Health has concerns with some of the proposed amendments to the NPS-FM.

Detailed submissions

Weak bottom lines

Soil & Health opposes the proposed national bottom line for human health contained in the National Objectives Framework (NOF), that water bodies be safe for secondary contact i.e. wading and boating. We believe that the bottom line for human health in fresh water bodies should be that they are safe for primary contact i.e. for swimming. No incentive has been proposed to lift water quality standards beyond ensuring waterways are safe to wade in. We need stronger bottom lines for freshwater to ensure that our waterways are safe for swimming, ecological health, and collecting food.

‘Maintain or improve overall’ water quality

Proposal 1.1

Soil & Healthsupports the proposal to amend the NPS-FM so that it measures water quality by a freshwater management unit, rather than across a region.

We propose however that the word ‘overall’ from Objective A2 NPSFM be deleted. This in effect would remove the ability to have ‘unders’ and ‘overs’. We instead propose that objectives and limits be set so that water quality is maintained or improved at all points of all freshwater bodies, and nowhere are they set below national bottom lines. The ‘unders and overs’ approach has been rejected by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment1 and the Environment Court. 2 It is inconsistent with section 6 and section 30 of the RMA. It is unworkable because of the practical difficulties in assessing what beneficial effect would counterbalance an adverse effect. If the ‘unders’ and ‘overs’ provision is retained, Soil & Health proposes that the Government provide guidance on how to maintain overall water quality at the required scale.

We also propose that there be a mandatory standard for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus within catchments.

Macroinvertebrate Community Index as a measure of water quality

Proposal 1.3

Soil & Health supports the use of a ‘Macroinvertebrate Community Index’ (MCI) in the NOF, as a measure of water quality, and that it be adopted as a mandatory method of monitoring ecosystem health.

Proposal 1.4

We propose that use of MCI be included as an attribute in the NOF. Biological and ecological measures are essential attributes for which the MCI provides.

Significant infrastructure and water quality

Proposal 1.5

Soil & Health opposes the provisions in the NPS-FM that provide for exceptions to meeting the national bottom lines for significant infrastructure, and believe they should be repealed. However if the provision allowing exceptions to meeting national bottom lines for significant infrastructure remains in the NPS-FM, we strongly support the statement in the Consultation document that ‘Any exceptions would require public consultation.’

Intermittently closing and opening lakes and lagoons (ICOLLs)

Proposal 1.6

Soil & Health supports the proposal to amend the NPS-FM so that water quality attributes, including the national bottom lines, apply to ICOLLs.

Stock exclusion from water bodies

Proposal 1.8

Soil & Health supports the creation of a national regulation that requires exclusion of stock from water bodies. However stock exclusion needs to happen as soon as possible if it’s going to have any real effect on waterways. The current deadlines proposed by the Government do not provide any incentive for change. We also propose that clear guidance around the application of the regulation be required, otherwise implementation, monitoring and enforcement will become problematic. We furtherpropose that this regulation override existing provisions in District Plans. Finally we propose that riparian buffers be required as part of the national regulation.

 Technical efficiency and good management practice standards

Proposal 2.1

Soil & Health supports the Government’s proposal to develop national technical efficiency standards.

However wepropose that the technical efficiency standards be introduced to all water catchments, not just in full allocation, or approaching full allocation, catchments. While there may still be some small permitted takes that will be difficult to monitor for efficiency standards, the expectation should still be that all water uses are using water efficiently.

Proposal 2.2

Soil & Health supports the Government’s proposal to develop national standards for good management practices.

However wepropose that the good management practices standards be the minimum requirement for all industries in all catchments, not just for discharge allowances that have been allocated, or in catchments that are over-allocated, or approaching over-allocation. Currently the good practice management standards are vague and the document does not set out how these will be established in regulation, nor how they will be modelled or monitored. More work needs to be done in this area and the Government needs to be leading the implementation of this nationally.

Addressing over-allocation and over-use at least cost

Proposal 2.5

Soil & Health strongly supports the proposal to develop guidance on different methods of addressing over-allocation of water quality and/or quantity, if technical efficiency standards and good management practice standards are insufficient.

We also propose that the development of any guidance material involve the participation of the public and a range of stakeholders, including Regional Councils.

Freshwater decision-making

Proposal 3.6

Soil & Health strongly opposes allowing the Minister for the Environment to delay an application for a Water Conservation Order (WCO). WCOs are about protecting outstanding features of water bodies. If those outstanding features exist then they shouldn’t be undermined by a planning process, which is required to protect them anyway.

Conclusion The Soil & Health Association strongly opposes the inclusion of the proposed bottom line for human health that water bodies be safe only for secondary contact, into the National Policy for Freshwater Management on the grounds that waterways must be able to support a good standard of ecological health. That standard should also equate to being safe for humans to swim, play, and gather food from fresh waterways.

Yours sincerely

Name: Marion Thomson

Position: Co Chair

The Soil & Health Association

PO Box 340002


Auckland 0746

Phone: 06 8775534 Mobile: 0275554014



1 Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Managing water quality: Examining the 2014 National Policy Statement, June 2015, pages 6-8. 2 Ngati Kahungunu Iwi v Hawkes Bay Regional Council [2015] NZEnvC 50. The references in paragraph 2.9 come from [62], [63], [104], [105].

Submission on Animal Welfare Regulations

Submission to: Ministry for Primary Industries
Submission Author: Mischa Davis for Soil & Health Assn
Monday, May 16, 2016


Submission on Animal Welfare Regulations by the Soil & Health Association

TO: Animal Welfare Policy

Ministry for Primary Industries

PO Box 2526

Wellington 6140

FROM: The Soil & Health Association

PO Box 340002


Auckland 0746

Phone: 0212667754



Submission on Animal Welfare Regulations by the Soil & Health Association


The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Inc. (Soil & Health) was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 4 December 1942. Soil & Health’s objectives broadly include soil health and the promotion of organic gardening and farming. It has approximately 3000 members, chiefly composed of home gardeners and consumers, organic farmers and growers, secondary producers, retailers and restaurateurs. Its age and membership make it the oldest and largest representative organic organisation in New Zealand.

Soil & Health recognises that New Zealand animal welfare standards need improving. Every year thousands of animals in New Zealand are farmed intensively, fed high doses of antibiotics, and grains with herbicide residues, kept in unhygienic and cramped conditions, with high levels of stress and injury, unable to express normal behaviours, which runs contrary to the stated principles in the Animal Welfare Act 1999.

As an organic organisation we advocate for the highest animal welfare standards. Organic livestock farming is based on the harmonious relationship between land, plants and livestock, respect for the physiological and behavioural needs of livestock and the feeding of good-quality organically grown feedstuffs. We support the Five Freedoms as set out under the Animal Welfare Act 1999. We believe that any farming methods that cause animals to suffer or prevent them from expressing normal patterns of behavior should be phased out. This is why we welcome the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Animal Welfare Regulations discussion document (the document), which contains the Government’s proposals to improve the enforceability, clarity and transparency of the animal welfare system in New Zealand.

The current animal welfare system does not deal properly with lower-level offending. Soil & Health supports the majority of the proposed regulations in the document in general as they enable the Ministry for Primary Industries to better enforce compliance with the Animal Welfare Act 1999. These include proposals for increasing penalties and infringement fees for offences. However Soil & Health has concerns with some of the proposed regulations and believe that a number of cruel practices outlined, such as colony cages and farrowing crates, should be phased out and prohibited altogether.

Detailed submissions

10. – Care and Conduct Regulatory Proposals

All Animals

1.      Electric prodders

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation in part. Electric prodders are a cruel device. We oppose the exceptions of their use for cattle over 100kg, at a commercial slaughter premise, and for a circus. We believe that alternatives should be found for the intention of moving animals and that electric prodders should only be used when the safety of the handler is at risk. We believe that restrictions should be placed on the possession and sale of electric prodders, as these devices are freely available and sold online with no requirement for information or training to be provided to purchasers. We do however support the proposal being placed in regulation as it means it will be directly enforceable.

2. Use of goads

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to prohibit the use of goads to prod an animal in the udder, anus, vulva, scrotum or eyes. The use of goads to move animals causes the animals to become nervous and fearful. The use of electric goads and physical goads such as sticks will obviously cause pain. We support placing the prohibition in regulation as it means it will be directly enforceable.

3. Twisting an animal’s tail

Soil & Health strongly supports the proposed regulation to prohibit twisting the tail of an animal in a manner that causes the animal pain. Tail twisting is an unnecessary and cruel practice often used to restrain and move animals and can risk leading to tail breaking, which causes pain and distress. We support the regulation as it provides an enforceable deterrent to tail twisting.


13. Tethered goats

While Soil & Health does not support the tethering of goats generally, as they are naturally foraging herd animals and tethering them prevents them from expressing their natural instincts to roam and forage freely, we do support the minimum requirement of constant access to food, water and shelter if tethered. However we believe that the word ‘shelter’ needs to be further defined. Shelter must be defined as providing a space that is clean, dry and has adequate space. As stated in the document, goats are more susceptible to hypothermia than sheep therefore the definition of shelter must also include providing protection from the natural elements including wind and rain, and weather extremes such as snow and hail.

Layer hens

17. Opportunity to express normal behaviours in housing systems

Soil & Health supports the new requirements under 17(a) that hens must have the opportunity to express a range of natural behaviours, becoming part of regulation and thereby becoming directly enforceable.

18. Stocking densities

While Soil & Health supports the proposed stocking regulations becoming part of regulation, thereby making them directly enforceable, we are strongly opposed to the specific stocking densities set out under 18. We believe that stocking hens at this density will not allow them the opportunity to express the range of natural behaviours outlined under 17(a). We believe that for hens to express the range of natural behaviours outlined under 17(a) they must be stocked at 6 birds per m2, with a minimum of 18 cm perch space provided for each bird.

19. Housing and equipment design

While Soil & Health supports the housing and design regulations becoming part of regulation thereby making them directly enforceable, we are strongly opposed to the use of closed cages including colony cages for all poultry, not just laying hens. Closed cages do not allow the animals the opportunity to express the range of natural behaviours outlined under 17(a). Chickens are biologically omnivores and instinctively, when given the opportunity, actively forage for green growing plants, animal foods such as earthworms and insects, wild fruits and some seeds.We therefore believe that if we are going to allow hens the ability to express the range of natural behaviours outlined under 17(a) they must have unrestricted access to outside runs, with at least 50% of the outside run area covered with vegetation at all times, allowing the hens constant access to fresh grass or forage crop containing a diversity of species. We believe that all poultry sheds should have access to good pasture, and be situated to allow for rotation of grazing areas – for example mobile poultry sheds. We believe that adequate nesting space should be provided at a minimum of 7 birds per nest, and that perchesshould be available in all laying hen housing to a minimum of 18cm perch space per bird.


24. Dry sleeping area

Soil & Health supports the proposal that pigs must have access to a dry sleeping area. Failure to provide a dry sleeping area can cause distress and ill health, particularly when a sow is pregnant and is trying to create a nest for her piglets. Furthermore pigs have clean toilet habits and in nature would never defecate near where they sleep. However if left in a confined area then pigs may be left to lie in their own excrement. Providing a dry sleeping area means this would not happen.

25. Lying space for grower pigs

Soil & Health strongly oppose the proposed lying space for grower pigs. We do not believe the proposed spacing will allow for improvement of overstocking behaviour issues such as aggression, nor allow for the pigs to express normal behaviours. Keeping pigs at this density does not allow them to roam, play or dig as they would naturally outdoors. We believe that all pigs should have access to outdoor pasture.

26. Dry sow stalls

Soil & Health strongly supports the prohibition of dry sow stalls and placing the prohibition in regulation thereby making it directly enforceable. Dry sow stalls are an inhumane and cruel practice. Pigs are highly intelligent, social animals. Keeping sows in individual stalls deprives them of their most basic needs such as fresh air, sunlight, clean water and soft bedding, as well as their need to socialise. We support this proposal as it places prohibition in regulation, making it directly enforceable.

27. Size of farrowing crates

Soil & Health supports the proposal as it places prohibition in regulation, thereby making it directly enforceable, however we strongly oppose the use of farrowing crates in general and believe that they should be banned altogether. Farrowing crates only allow the sow to either stand up or lie down, thereby preventing her to properly mother her piglets. This causes frustration and depression and is therefore an inhumane and cruel practice that we do not support.

28. Provision of nesting material

Soil & Health supports the use of nesting material in the farrowing system. As stated sows have a strong behavioural instinct to build a nest prior to farrowing. With no material for bedding she would scrape her nose over the bare concrete in an attempt to build a nest for her piglets. Not providing materials that the sow can manipulate prevents her from expressing natural behaviours. We therefore support this proposal as it means that any offences of not providing nesting material for sows will be directly enforceable. We however propose that the wording be changed to state “natural material”, which should be further defined with a list of specific natural materials to be used such as straw, twigs and grasses. We further propose that the nesting material be a mandatory requirement all the way through farrowing until after the piglets have been raised and weaned.


31. Milk stimulation

Soil & Health were not aware of this practice still occurring however believe it is unnecessary and cruel. We support the proposal to prohibit stimulating milk let-down by inserting water or air into a cow’s vagina, and placing it in regulation thereby making it directly enforceable. We believe that it warrants regulation so that effective action can be taken if it occurs.

32. Cattle and sheep – vehicular traction in calving or lambing

Soil & Health supports this proposal to prohibit using a moving vehicle to provide tractions in calving or lambing, making it part of regulation thereby making it directly enforceable. We believe it is an unnecessary and unnatural technique that has a high risk of causing injury, pain and distress to both the young and the mother. We support animals birthing naturally without artificial stimulation and force. We believe that it warrants regulation so that effective action can be taken if it occurs.

11.0 Young calf management regulatory proposals

43. Loading and unloading facilities

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation that facilities must be provided to enable young calves to walk onto and off transportation by their own action. However we believe that the regulation needs to specify acceptable methods of loading and unloading, for example stating that they must be ramps, or electronic lifts. We do not believe that the regulations should allow for flexibility for other methods that would enable calves to walk onto and off vehicles, as this may allow for breaches of welfare. We believe all acceptable methods should be specifically stated to provide for full clarity. Further we believe that the time period to allow farmers and other businesses to make arrangements necessary to put suitable loading and/or unloading facilities in place should not be more than 12 months.

44. Shelter on-farm, before and during transportation and at processing plants

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation in part. We believe that the regulation on shelter should also cover the stocking density of animals in pens. Stocking density should be at a rate that provides enough room for all calves to lie down.

45. Fitness for transport – age

Soil & Health opposes the proposed regulation that young calves must not be transported for processing and slaughter until they are at least four days of age. We believe four days old is an unacceptable age, being too young for travel. As stated in the document the four-day minimum age is not a guarantee that individual calves will be in a suitable physical condition for transportation. While the intention is for the regulation to be read together with those regulations for the physical condition of young calves we do not believe this will happen in practice, and it will also make it more difficult to enforce. We propose that the age be lifted to match that of the European Union of 10 days old, rising to 14 days old for longer journeys over eight hours. Raising the age to 10-14 days means that there is a strongly likelihood that the young calf will be in a suitable physical condition for transportation.

46. Fitness for transport – physical characteristics

Soil & Health supports this proposed regulation. However as stated above we believe by raising the minimum age for transportation to 10-14 days old that this will help to ensure that the young calves are in suitable physical condition for transportation.

47. Maximum time off feed

Soil & Health supports this proposed regulation to reduce the amount of hours off feed from 30 to 24 however we believe that 24 hours is still too long to go without feed for young calves. Naturally a young calf would feed from their mother every 2 to 3 hours. Calves began to feel hunger soon after 3 hours from their last feed, when plasma glucose begins to decline. Hunger then increases gradually for the next 15 hours and then rapidly over the final 12 hours. Leaving young calves without feed for such a long duration is cruel, and also leaves them physically weak. We believe that 24 hours is an unreasonable maximum period to permit young calves to be off feed when being transported prior to slaughter. We propose that the time period be reduced below 24 hours.

48. Duration of transport

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to reduce the maximum amount of time a young calf spends in transportation from 12 hours to 8 hours.

49. Blunt force trauma

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to prohibit the use of blunt force trauma for killing calves.

50. Transport by sea across Cook Strait prohibited

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to prohibit the transportation by sea of young calves across the Cook Strait. We believe that the infringement fee of $500 rather than $300 is a suitable penalty.

12.0 Surgical and painful procedures regulatory proposal

66. Cattle – tail docking

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to prohibit tail docking of cattle. We believe it is a cruel and unnecessary procedure especially when there are other alternatives such as switch trimming. Tail docking can lead to significant health problems, including incontinence, hernias, phantom tail pain and increased sensitivity to pain. Further more tail docking does not improve cow hygiene. Tail docking on cattle is a purely anthropocentric procedure that improves comfort for milking personnel only. We support the proposed restrictions that tail docking only is performed for therapeutic purposes (i.e. in response to disease or injury), that a veterinarian or a veterinary student under the direct supervision of a veterinarian must perform it, and that pain relief must be used at the time of procedure.

67. Cattle and sheep – castration and shortening of the scrotum

Soil & Health supports this proposal in part. We propose that castration and shortening of the scrotum only be permitted at a young age of less than 6 months. Castration beyond 6 months of age should be banned. We support the proposed regulation that only conventional rubber rings must be used for this procedure as it helps to minimise the level of pain and distress an animal experiences. We also support the use of pain relief at the time of the procedure.

69. Cattle, sheep, & goats – dehorning

Soil & Health supports this proposal in part. We propose that dehorning only be permitted in the budding stage. Dehorning is a painful procedure. Studies have shown that dehorning stimulates both an acute pain response and a delayed inflammatory reaction. Young animals tend to recover quicker and have fewer complications than animals dehorned at an older age. It is generally accepted that the younger the animal, the less painful the procedure. We do however support the proposal to make pain relief mandatory at the time of the procedure.

70. Sheep – tail docking

Soil & Health supports this proposal in part. We propose that tail docking be banned on sheep i.e. over 12 months of age. We understand that tail docking of sheep has benefits such as reducing problems like fly strike. However tail docking is a painful procedure so restricting it to lambs will result in less pain and therefore reduce the impact of the procedure on the animal. We support the rest of the proposals for tail docking under 6 months of age and tail docking over 6 months of age and believe it provides a clear mandatory standard for the procedure. However we believe that the tail length should be further specified as the current wording “must not be cut flush” is unclear and confusing.

71. Sheep – mulesing

Soil & Health strongly supports the proposal to prohibit mulesing of sheep and placing this prohibition in regulation, thereby making it directly enforceable. This procedure is one of the most barbaric and cruel practices carried out in the farming industry. It is an extremely painful practice and lambs have been seen to demonstrate abnormal behaviour indicative of extreme pain for days afterwards. We believe that the most humane alternative to sheep mulesing is to breed sheep to have low wrinkles, fewer dags and less wool around their breech, and that this should be a stated objective. Other effective alternatives are tailing docking of lambs, timing of shearing and crutching, effective natural control of scouring (especially the control of intestinal worms), strategic application of natural treatments to prevent flystrike, and regular inspection of the flock especially daily during high risk periods.

72. Deer – develvetting

Soil & Health opposes this proposal, as we believe that the develvetting of deer should be prohibited. However if it is to go ahead we do not believe that farmers should undertake this procedure themselves, even if given veterinary approval. It should be made mandatory that only a vet or veterinary student under direct veterinarian supervision should undertake this procedure.

74. Horses – tail docking

Soil & Health supports the proposed regulation to prohibit tail docking of horses. We believe it is a cruel and unnecessary procedure. We support the proposed restrictions that tail docking only is performed for therapeutic purposes (i.e. in response to disease or injury), that a veterinarian or a veterinary student under the direct supervision of a veterinarian must perform it, and that pain relief must be used at the time of procedure.

80. Pigs – castration

Soil & Health supports this proposal in part. We propose that castration of pigs only be permitted at a young age of less than 6 months. Castration beyond 6 months of age should be banned. We support the proposed regulation that a veterinarian or a veterinary student under the direct supervision of a veterinarian must perform the procedure, and that pain relief must be used at the time of procedure.

81. Pigs – tail docking

Soil & Health opposes the regulation to allow for tail docking of pigs. We believe it is a cruel and unnecessary practice. The reason tail docking of pigs is performed is to reduce the incidence of tail biting. However tail biting is a result of keeping pigs in high-density stocking numbers and pigs become frustrated and distressed. Pigs are highly intelligent, inquisitive animals and need intellectual stimulation such as natural material to play with. Studies have shown that providing straw or other manipulable materials and keeping a lower density of pigs in a pen could largely prevent tail biting.


As set out above, Soil & Health supports the majority of the proposed regulations in in the document in general, however we oppose a number of the proposed regulations as they either prevent animals from expressing normal patterns of behaviour, or they are cruel mutilation practices that cause harm and distress, thereby running contrary to the Animal Welfare Act. We believe that animals should not be kept in closed cages. Instead all animals should have unrestricted daily access to pasture. We therefore strongly oppose the use of colony cages for poultry and farrowing crates for pigs and believe they should be prohibited. In summary, while we commend the government for their efforts to tighten animal welfare regulation and create better enforcement with the Animal Welfare Act, we believe there is still much room for improving New Zealand’s animal welfare standards to better meet the physiological and behavioural needs of animals.

Yours sincerely

Name: Mischa Davis

Position: Policy Advisor


The Soil & Health Association

PO Box 340002


Auckland 0746

Phone: 0212667754




Natural Health & Supplementary Products Bill – Ministry of Health’s consultation paper ‘The Regulation of Natural Health Products’

Submission to: Ministry of Health
Submission Author: Philippa Jamieson and Marion Thomson
Friday, March 4, 2016

Submission on the Natural Health & Supplementary Products Bill
Ministry of Health’s consultation paper ‘The Regulation of Natural Health Products’

Natural Health Products
Ministry of Health
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6145

FROM: Soil & Health Association of New Zealand
PO Box 340002
Birkenhead 0746

4 March 2016


Re: the Ministry of Health’s consultation paper ‘The Regulation of Natural Health Products’

The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand Incorporated (‘Soil & Health’) is the largest membership organisation supporting organic food and farming in New Zealand, and is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world, formed in 1941. We are committed to advocating our maxim ‘Oranga nuku – Oranga kai – Oranga tangata’ meaning ‘Healthy soil – Healthy food – Healthy people’ and to creating an organic New Zealand.


The Soil & Health Association of NZ opposes the Natural Health Products Bill and requests that it be removed from the Order Paper.
Our opposition to this Bill includes the following reasons:


1.     The Bill would drastically reduce access to, and options for, safe and effective healthcare for New Zealanders.


a)     Natural medicines have been used safely and effectively for thousands of years. The Bill would, however, ban numerous natural health product ingredients without just cause. Some of these ingredients could in fact be everyday foods with a long history of safety.

b)    The proposed regulations would severely limit health options for consumers by allowing only a very limited number of permitted ingredients on a ‘white list’.

c)     The limited ‘white list’ approach would mean that many safe and effective natural health ingredients would become illegal.

d)    Many of the ‘white list’ ingredients have severe dosage and application restrictions placed on them. There is no scientific or medical justification for this, and no history of risk to human health.

e)     Soil & Health asks that the current, sensible ‘black list’ approach is retained, so that natural health products are ‘innocent until proven guilty’. If they are shown to cause harm, they are banned and added to the black list.


2.     The Bill would severely affect natural health practitioners, who would be robbed of numerous safe and effective health products to recommend to their patients. This would limit or destroy their businesses, as well as impacting on their ethical duty of providing the best care for their patients.


3.     The Bill would severely affect New Zealand natural health producers and suppliers, driving many small-to-medium enterprises out of the market.


a)     The Bill introduces significant new compliance costs on New Zealand businesses to prove that a natural health ingredient to be safe so it can be added to the proposed ‘white list’.

b)    The compliance costs for businesses go well beyond proving that an ingredient is safe. Costs include notifying the regulator about each ingredient, paying annual fees, providing information about health benefit claims, obtaining a licence to manufacture the product, and complying with the Code of Manufacture Practice. The sum total of compliance costs will be out of reach of many businesses as it could reach into the tens of thousands of dollars or even more.

c)     Businesses will not be able to provide as great a range of natural health products, for sale in New Zealand, or for export.

d)    The only manufacturers likely to be able to survive will be the larger ones.

e)     If consumers are unable to find the products they want in New Zealand they will buy online and import them, therefore bypassing our local industry.


This is a Bill whose only benefits are for large and/or multinational companies who can afford to stay in business under this regime, and for the pharmaceutical industry. The primary goal of health legislation or regulation must be the health of New Zealanders. However this Bill does nothing to improve people’s health – in fact it will worsen the health of New Zealanders, as we would lose numerous safe and effective healthcare options.



Soil & Health asks that the Bill and associated proposed regulations be abandoned.

National Environmental Standard, Plantation Forestry

Submission to: Ministry for Primary Industries
Submission Author: Soil & Health Association
Monday, August 10, 2015

To:  Ministry for Primary Industries

Submitter:Soil & Health Association of NZ (‘SHANZ’)

Soil & Health Association of NZ makes this submission partly in support and partly in opposition to the proposed National Environmental Standard Plantation Forestry.

Support: SHANZ supports the NES Plantation Forestry insofar as it seeks to codify activity status and conditions for physical plantation forestry activities on the basis of land and plant related classifications.

The proposed erosion susceptibility classification, wildings spread risk calculator and fish spawning indicator are useful tools capable of measurement and calculation and will provide a degree of rigour to the regulation process.

To that extent, SHANZ agrees that the NES Plantation Forestry will provide a nationwide standard basis for regulation of forestry activities to achieve the stated objectives of change of regulation.


Opposition: SHANZ strongly opposes:

a)    the proposal that planting or replanting using genetically modified tree stock (GMO) be a permitted activity, or be provided for under the NES Plantation Forestry at all.

b)    Limiting the pre-requisite approval for permitted activity use of a GMO to EPA approvalunder the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO).

c)    The statement in 6.4 of the consultation document that GMOs are regulated by the EPA under the HSNO, without any mention of the role of territorial authorities under the Resource Management Act, 1991.

d)    The absence in the consultation document of any information or discussion about the risks attendant on use of GMOs. Although the objectives of the change (see executive summary) include:-

Understanding the risk of adverse effects on the environment around the country should be informed by up-to-date science.


There is no discussion of up-to-date science with respect to GMOs to underpin the provision for use of GM tree stock as permitted activities. Given the controversial nature of this topic and potential adverse effects, this shows a lack of balanced consideration.



Soil & Health Association of NZ

Soil & Health Association of NZ is the largest membership organisation supporting sustainable, organic food and farming in New Zealand and one of the oldest organic organisations in the world, established in 1941. Our aim is to empower people and communities to grow, buy and support locally based sustainable, safe, GE Free and organic food in Aotearoa NZ. In this process our role is to advocate on behalf of our 3,000+ membership and the general public for safe, healthy food and environmental sustainability for today and future generations.


Reasons for Opposition to provision for GM Tree Stock

1.     Genetically Modified Tree Stock Provisions.

a)    Providing for the use of GM tree stock as a permitted activity with no conditions relating to assessment or management of risk leaves land owners, farmers, foresters and people using land and waterways for other activities (including recreation) at risk of adverse effects and without any say in the location or type of GM stock used. This is contrary to the scheme of the RMA. Any potential adverse effects are of particular concern to organic farmers and to foresters with sustainable certification such as the Forest Stewardship Council certification, as all the certification standards for these farmers and foresters do not allow the presence of genetically modified organisms on the land or in the primary products produced

b)    Unlike most other topics covered by the consultation document, the use of genetically modified organisms is not the subject of settled science.  It has been argued by proponents of GM tree stock that the risk of escape of GM material from a plantation is low. However, this is far from settled. Sterile GM trees that do not produce pollen have been in development for some years with no success to date. SHANZ considers that the risk of escape by wind- or insect-borne pollen or seed is in fact high, and pollen from forestry plantations can travel several kilometres. Potential adverse events are very significant and range from the loss of individual enterprises such as organic farms and the loss of Forest Stewardship Certification for foresters, to the loss of whole markets for districts, regions and even New Zealand.  Stringent criteria apply to certification for organic producers and sustainable foresters and some important international markets also require GE-free status certification.

c)    Economic analysis carried out as background to the proposed NES Plantation Forestry did not include economic impact on local and international produce markets arising from the use of GM tree stock. This means that one if not the most significant impact of the proposed NES has not been analysed and the risk of acting as proposed is unconscionably high.

d)    Potential impacts range across virtually all primary production including forestry – horticulture, animal husbandry, honey production and dairy products.  Much wider analysis and consultation is essential before assigning activity status to the use of GM tree stock, let alone the high risk level of permitted activity.

e)    The only condition for this permitted activity is prior approval by the EPA under HSNO and this only applies to planting and replanting. The whole issue of management of slash involving GM material has not been addressed. Potential impacts of GM species on soil ecosystems, water ecosystems and indigenous species ecosystems has not been addressed.


2.     Jurisdiction

a)    The Ministry will be well aware of the Environment Court decision in Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Northland Regional Council 2015NZEnvC89.  That decision pointed to the different functional approach between HSNO and the RMA and the complementary roles they play.

b)    SHANZ submits that making the use of GM tree stock a permitted activity under the NES Plantation Forestry flies in the face of the Environment Court decision and purports to limit the regulation of that activity to the EPA acting under HSNO alone.

c)    Regional and district councils have clear duties under sections 30 and 31 for the integrated management of resources and the integrated management of the effects of the use and development of resources. Localised effects of plantation forestry such as erosion, wilding management and fish spawning areas are clearly able to be managed using national standards. However, the use of GMOs which may have region- and district-wide adverse economic, environmental and cultural effects depending on the pattern and type of resources and land-use activities in any given area, cannot be managed through a national permitted activity status. These region- and district-wide functions are very important and would not be addressed by regulation under HSNO.

d)    Attention is drawn to RMA section 43A(3) which states:

If an activity has significant adverse effects on the environment, a national environmental standard must not, under sections (1)(b)  and (4), –

(a) allow the activity, unless it states that a resource consent is required for the activity; or

(b) state that the activity is a permitted activity.

e)    There is risk that the use of GM tree stock could have unmanageable and significant adverse effects over a wide area through, for example, seed spread and pollen blow over many kilometres. Such effects would devastate all GMO Free producers including all certified organic producers and FSC-certified foresters.  SHANZ submits that this activity cannot be made a permitted activity under the NES Plantation Forestry. This activity should be a non-complying activity if it is provided for at all.


3.     Assessment

SHANZ opposes the provision for the use of any GMO material under the NES Plantation Forestry. However, if it is so provided for, then comprehensive assessment criteria should also be incorporated that would include reference to the following categories of effects:

a)    Risk of spread of GM material beyond the forest site

b)    Economic and particularly with respect to GE Free producers, organic farmers, FSC-certified foresters and marketing;

c)    Cultural

d)    Social

e)    Mitigation by way of bonds or other financial instruments.


4.     Notification

Use of GMOs is an environmental topic with widespread implications for whole communities as well as numerous individuals dependant on maintaining GE Free markets and organic certification for their enterprises and products. Applications for the use of GM tree stock should be publically notified.


5.     Relief sought

SHANZ requests the following changes to the proposed NES:

a)    Remove all provision for the use of GM tree stock from the NES

Without prejudice to the above strong first preference, if provision for the use of GM tree stock tree stock is retained, then

b)    Make the use of GM tree stock a non-complying activity;

c)    Make jurisdiction for applications for the use of GM tree stock a regional council responsibility.


Signed this 10th day of August 2015

Marion Thomson, Co-chair

Soil & Health Association of New Zealand