The organic community mourns Jeanette Fitzsimons

6 March 2020

The Soil & Health Association expresses deep condolences to the family
and friends of Jeanette Fitzsimons. Among Jeanette’s many roles, she was
a patron of Soil & Health for several years.

“Jeanette gave wise counsel and was a champion for the organic cause,”
said Marion Wood, chair of Soil & Health. “She lived her values by
farming organically with her husband Harry Parke.”

Over the years Jeanette and Harry hosted hundreds volunteers on the farm
through the WWOOF scheme, including Organic NZ editor Philippa Jamieson.

Ever practical, Jeanette also wrote articles for Organic NZ including
one on gorse control, and letters to the editor.

Soil & Health and the Organic NZ team are thinking of Harry and family
at this sad time.

Media contact: Philippa Jamieson, editor, Organic NZ, 027 547 3929