Heavy rain, soil and waterways – what’s the effect and what we can do about it?

About the video

We all know that heavy rains cause soil loss and runoff. And we understand these are harmful to fresh water and the wider environment.

But many farmers, gardeners and land owners are unsure about where to start fixing these problems.

Join Philippa Jamieson, former editor of Organic NZ magazine, in conversation with soil scientist Charles Hyland and freshwater ecologist Dr Mike Joy as they discuss some of the mechanics of these problems and the relative virtues of various solutions.

This webinar aims to empower the organic community to intentionally manage their soils in order to achieve their sustainability and environmental goals.

About the panelists

Charles Hyland is a soil scientist and biogeochemist who moved to NZ in 2013 after working at Cornell University in the USA as a scientist for over ten years.  His career has focused on identifying complex environmental problems associated with agricultural systems and implementing effective innovative solutions. Organic agriculture has always been central to his work and worldview.

Mike Joy began lecturing at Massey University in ecology and environmental science in 2003. After seeing first-hand the decline in freshwater health in New Zealand, he became an outspoken advocate for environmental protection. He has been working for two decades at the interface of science and policy in New Zealand with a goal of strengthening connections between science, policy and real outcomes to address the multiple environmental issues facing New Zealand.