Genetic Engineering Webinar: What do Consumers Want? Navigating GE Issues with Jon Carapiet

On 5th March 2024, the Soil & Health Association of NZ held an online webinar with Jon Carapiet, to discuss consumer issues around GE. This included the right to choose, labelling, traceability, and consumers overseas – our export markets. Scroll down to read more about the webinar and to access the full recording. If you benefited from this webinar, please consider donating to Soil & Health to support our vital work, details below.

Jon is a consumer advocate, market researcher and national spokesperson for GE Free NZ (in food and environment). For almost 20 years, Jon has spoken out about the need to moderate the powerful use of gene technology to protect New Zealand’s capacity to produce and sell non-GMO food and to protect the rights of consumers at home and overseas. As an advocate for Brand New Zealand, Jon draws on his years of experience as a senior market researcher and brand communications consultant. Jon has a Bachelor’s degree from Cambridge University and a Master’s from Auckland University, and as well as working in research, he is a keen photographer, regularly exhibiting his artwork.

Access the webinar here

The webinar can be viewed here: Jon Carapiet – 5th March 2024.

A copy of Jon’s PowerPoint presentation can be viewed here.

If you would like to view the other webinars in our GE series, please go to the GE Free Campaign page of our website.

Donate to support the vital work of Soil & Health

All webinars and events are free for all members of Soil and Health; otherwise we suggest a donation of $20. All funds go towards Soil & Health’s advocacy and campaign for a GE-free New Zealand, and are eligible for tax credits.

Make your donation by credit card:

Or transfer funds to our account: BNZ, account number: 02 0108 0058415 001
With the reference: GE donation