RMA reforms undermine communities and the environment

“Proposed changes to the Resource Management Act, announced last week by Environment Minister Amy Adams, could result in ratepayers picking up the tab for industry damaging our environment. This is highly immoral and undemocratic,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

Councils have a responsibility to ensure that ratepayers are protected against risk and liability.

“Removing this ability undermines local bodies and makes central government all powerful,” says Swanwick.

The proposed changes to Part 2 of the RMA lower environmental standards. The Resource Management Act is both a planning tool and an environmental protection mechanism.

“The reforms provide a pathway for the former compromising the later,” says Swanwick.

It has been suggested that an application for the release of GE ryegrass in New Zealand may be filed this year.

“This is of most concern with regard to the RMA reforms as the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act requires neither a bond to be paid nor compensation for immediate or future loss to the social, economical, environmental or cultural wellbeing of our communities as a result of GMOs. Should the RMA proposals become law, alongside a weak HSNO Act, ratepayers will be left to pay for what should be the responsibility of industry,” says Swanwick.

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/712



1) http://beehive.govt.nz/release/major-reform-resource-management-system
2) http://press.gefree.org.nz/press/20130811.htm

3) http://community.scoop.co.nz/2013/08/governments-announcement-on-rma-ref…

4) http://www.3news.co.nz/Cows-fed-super-grass-could-produce-more-milk/tabi…

Country of origin labelling initiative applauded

“Soil & Health applauds the recent initiative by Quality Mark to identify on the label all beef and lamb that is not grown in New Zealand,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson for Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

Numerous groups and organisations, including Soil & Health, Horticulture New Zealand and the Green Party, have been campaigning for mandatory country of origin labelling for several years.

“Despite intense lobbying, the government has failed to implement such a policy, but it is inspirational that retailers are listening to consumers who want to know where and how their food is grown. Even internationally retailers are stepping up to enable consumers to make better purchasing decisions,” says Swanwick.

In the US a major retailer, The Whole Foods market, has seized a marketing opportunity and committed to labelling GMOs by 2018. This initiative is in contrast to legislation which still does not require mandatory labelling of GMOs in the US despite consumer demand for it.

“With the rising incidence of food contamination throughout the world and the absence of mandatory country of origin labelling, the most reliable way to ensure you are buying local food grown is to buy New Zealand certified organic food. Of course that also ensures it is safe, healthy and meets our animal welfare standards,” says Swanwick.

New Zealand produced certified organic food carries one of these four labels:  BioGro, Demeter, AsureQuality or OrganicFarmNZ.

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to our Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ



1) http://www.cool.org.nz
2) http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=1090…
3) https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1205/S00059/australians-beating-us-over-meat-labelling.htm
4) http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Markets/Whole-Foods-Market-commits-to-G…

Polluted waterways pose threat to children

Soil & Health – Organic NZ supports Pesticide Action Network’s call for an immediate reassessment of chlorpryifos, a dangerous aerially sprayed pesticide that is polluting New Zealand waterways.

A recently published scientific study from the University of Otago found traces of pesticides in waterways on New Zealand farms, including organic farms, believed to have been deposited by vapour or spray drift.

As well as the organophosphate chlorpyrifos, traces of endosulfan sulfate were discovered, even though this pesticide was banned in New Zealand in 2008.

Chlorpyrifos is especially dangerous for pregnant women and small children because it affects brain development in babies in the womb and in newborns. It also lowers IQ, is a known endocrine disruptor and is a risk factor for breast cancer.

The Environmental Protection Authority recently approved chlorpyrifos for aerial spraying despite Dow AgroSciences withdrawing it from industrial and home garden use.

“Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/6xx


(1) http://www.pananz.net

(2) http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/rural/215616/traces-of-abandoned-pesticide…

(3) http://nz.sports.yahoo.com/news/chlorpyrifos-banned-192458981.html

(4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorpyrifos

Monsanto Drops New GE Crops in Europe

In a major victory for health, democracy and the environment, seed and chemical company Monsanto has announced its withdrawal of applications for new genetically engineered crops in Europe.

For over a decade consumers and governments have opposed GE crops being grown in Europe.

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Europe, and celebrate the fact that no GE crops are commercially grown in New Zealand,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

“However New Zealanders and the New Zealand government must remain vigilant in protecting our precious and lucrative, clean, green GE-free land and its products.”

“This is just the start. Other companies, such as Bayer, Syngenta and Dow need to follow Monsanto’s lead in Europe.

“Also, the people and government of New Zealand and Europe must reject GE animal feed,” says Swanwick. Europe imports more than 30 million tons of mostly GE animal feed each year for its livestock industry. New Zealand imports an increasing amount of animal feed, which may be genetically engineered, which will find its way into the diets of people who eat non-organic meat, dairy products, or eggs.

“Recently in New Zealand, some regional councils such as Northland and Bay of Plenty have advocated for a GE precautionary policy to be included in their regional policy statements. Despite their legal right to do so, and remit to protect ratepayers, Environment Minister Amy Adams has suggested she will overrule their ability to do so. This is very concerning as it suggests our government is amenable to a GE release in New Zealand,” says Swanwick.

“Consumers worldwide want GE-free and organic products, and New Zealand can deliver on this. Let’s keep that advantage.”

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/692


(1) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2369722/Frankenstein-food-firm-q…

(2)  http://auckland.scoop.co.nz/2013/07/councils-threatened-by-central-gover…

(3) http://www.farmweekly.com.au/news/agriculture/cropping/general-news/mons…

(4) http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/uk-eu-monsanto-gmos-idUKBRE96G1…

Birkdale Primary

Local solutions needed to save orchards

“The demise of many established orchards throughout the country may create a short supply of fruit in coming years and increase prices,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ. “We need local solutions such as co-ops or community supported agriculture (CSA) models to ensure their survival.”

The small profit margins received by growers, who often have limited marketing knowledge, are being eroded by low sell-in prices to supermarket chains and high distribution costs, despite there being high demand for fruit.

Windmill in Coastesville, Auckland, a 7 hectare orchard that has been in existence for 35 years, has most recently closed its doors. “A new motorway has diverted traffic away from our front door. Combined with the high cost of taking our product to market and needing to market our product ourselves due to the loss of the Auckland fruit agent, we just can’t compete with big business any more,” says owner Graham Jensen.

Di Celliers, founder of Community Fruit Harvest, says “A lot of local growers’ fruit is going to waste because they can’t get it to market. Limited supply will increase the price of fruit whilst compromising choice.”

Community Fruit Harvest picks unwanted fruit throughout New Zealand and donates it to charity. A lot of the fruit is spray-free, giving people on low incomes access to good quality food that typically they would not be able to afford.

“People having access to good food in general is a national problem with a local solution,” says Swanwick. “The community supported agriculture or farm-share option could be used to save these orchards or fruit distributed through food co-operatives.”

A CSA involves community members buying a share in the farm to support that farmer for a specified period. Seven Springs Farm in the Waitakere Ranges, which is profiled in the July/August issue of Organic NZ magazine, is an example of a local market garden CSA. “There is no reason why the model can’t be adopted by orchardists,” says Swanwick.

Alternatively local food co-operatives could market produce for orchardists. Food co-operatives purchase produce and dry goods at wholesale prices. Community members can then join the co-op and pay a small margin on top of the wholesale price giving, them good quality food (often organic) for less than retail. This makes organic food more affordable for people and gives suppliers better returns.

In New Zealand certified organic produce is labelled as BioGro, Demeter, AsureQuality and OrganicFarmNZ.

“Consumers need to start growing local and buying local if they want a say in what they will eat in years to come,” says Swanwick. “If they don’t, small growers will be pushed out of business and they will have to buy and eat what corporate farmers tell them to. That may be fruit that is genetically engineered and laden with pesticides. That kind of apple will send you to the doctor not keep the doctor away.”

Soil & Health – Organic NZ is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ
To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/691

Photo caption: Students from Birkdale Primary participate in a Community Fruit Harvest pick. Low income earners will benefit from their labors through charity food banks.


(1) http://www.oanz.org/casestudies/OANZ-full%20report%202012.pdf

(2) http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/245009/Apples-going-organic

(3) http://www.soilassociation.org/communitysupportedagriculture

(4) http://www.windmillorchards.co.nz/

(5) http://www.pickfruit.co.nz/

Birkdale Primary

Saving the bees means saving ourselves

“Europe’s decision to ban neonicotinoids was a good day for bees. We need to follow this lead and ban systemic pesticides that are killing our bees,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

In April 2013 Europe placed a two-year ban on three neonicotinoids – a systemic pesticide that permeates every cell of a plant and makes it poisonous. Birds, earthworms and other wildlife are thought to be affected too.

This class of pesticide is not limited to agricultural and farm use but is also found in many pesticide products used in the home and by pest professionals.
“Humanity is hugely dependent on bees for our food, and we poison them at our peril,” says Swanwick. “We urgently need to switch to sustainable, organic farming methods that are kind to bees, to us, and to the whole ecosystem.”

Bees pollinate 75% of food crops, and in New Zealand 430,000 hives contribute $5 billion to the economy from crop and clover production.

The United Nations Environment Program released a report in 2011 indicating a “sixth major extinction” of biological diversity is currently underway, caused by habitat loss, pollution, pest invasion, and disease, leading to ecosystem havoc.

“Bee populations are in decline worldwide. In the UK alone honeybee populations have halved in the past twenty five years. This could take us on a journey to a destination we never thought possible and one worthy of a Darwin award. The harsh reality is that humans may be responsible for our own extinction because we didn’t fight hard enough for our survival,” says Swanwick.

Consumers can avoid GE, pesticides and additives in their food by buying certified organic produce. In New Zealand that is labelled as BioGro, AsureQuality, OrganicFarmNZ and Demeter.

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/623


(1) http://bbe-tech.com/bees/2012/04/03/know-your-neo-nicotinoids/

(2) http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/35355/title/Europe…

(3) http://www.unep.org/dewa/Portals/67/pdf/Global_Bee_Colony_Disorder_and_T…

(4) http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/304525

(5) http://bees-decline.org/

(6) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/9160366/Honeybee-decline-blam…


Honeycomb Bees

Environment minister’s attack on democracy unacceptable

“The announcement by Environment Minister Amy Adams that she will legislate so that local councils cannot protect their ratepayers against the risks of genetically engineered organisms is a direct attack on democracy in this country,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act does not protect the public against liability from any adverse consequences of GE. Local councils are responsible for communities’ environmental, social, cultural, and economic well-being. They can provide an additional layer of protection for ratepayers, such as restricting or banning the use of GMOs in the environment or requiring users to pay a bond.

“Every taxpayer in this country has already paid $8000 from their back pocket to sort out the leaky building fiasco, from which they were not protected. Central government is now suggesting they put themselves on the line again to protect corporate interests,” says Swanwick.

“Soil & Health supports the right of councils to determine their own policies on GE, in consultation with their communities. Several councils around New Zealand either have or are looking at policies to restrict the use of GMOs, in response to the concerns of ratepayers, including farmers and consumers.”

There has been discussion of a commercial GMO release next year which is pressing this issue. In poll after poll, a majority of New Zealanders have declared they do not want GE in their food or environment. A 2009 Colmar Brunton poll found that 73% of ratepayers in the region stretching from Cape Reinga to South Auckland did not want GMOs due to lack of knowledge and lack of research and information about the rising dangers of genetic engineering.

“It is unacceptable and anti-democratic for Minister Adams to say that the central government will take away the right of local governments to represent their ratepayers’ best interests. This threat to undermine local government suggests that an elite few (whether politicians or corporations) are controlling and not listening to the people,” says Swanwick.

Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

Photo caption: Protestors at one of the many “Marches against Monsanto” held throughout NZ in May

References (Links accessed July 2013)

(1) http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/newseventsculture/OurAuckland/medi…

(2) http://web.gefreenorthland.org.nz/press-releases/0043-communities-seek-s…

(3) http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10892985

(4) http://www.oag.govt.nz/2012/annual-report/gfx/our-people

(5) http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK1302/S00081/councillor-wayne-walker-on-…

(6) http://www.fndc.govt.nz/services/environmental-policy-and-forward-planni…

GE crops fail to deliver food to the hungry

New research from University of Canterbury researchers proves that genetically engineered crops have lower yields and use more pesticides than GE-free crops. The research, led by Professor Jack Heinemann, compared North American staple crop production to Western Europe over the past fifty years.
The world’s population is currently 7 billion but by 2020 it is forecast to reach 8 billion.
“Feeding the world’s hungry is a catchcry used by big agri-tech, but it is nothing more than an emotive rant appealing to our compassion, when these companies have none themselves,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ. “We can feed the world’s hungry now – we choose not to.”
Forty percent of food is currently wasted and whilst a billion people on the earth are starving, a billion people are overweight. Research shows that in developing countries, home to many of the world’s hungry, and where drought is common, not only can organic production increase yields by 100-200% it is also affordable for the people.
“The deplorable situation in many developing countries is that farmers are sold GE crops which they cannot afford and cannot grow in the traditional ways they are used to. The cost of having to buy patented seed each year and the need to buy more pesticides and herbicides to deal with resistant insects and weeds has made growing GE crops
increasingly unsustainable. Since the introduction of GE crops in the mid 1990s, more than a quarter of a million subsistence farmers in India have committed suicide . Big corporations that treat our global citizens in this way are committing a crime against humanity and this must stop,” says Swanwick.
“What we need to do is produce crops that consumers can afford, that provide good nutrition and are environmentally sustainable. Consumers worldwide do not want to eat GMOs. The movement to eradicate GMOs or at the very least label them is now at a tipping point that will see the demise of a practice that should never have been rubber-stamped by governments, whose remit is to represent people not corporations. People deserve real food,” says Swanwick.

Recently Hungary burnt all their GMO crops, and last month the Connecticut senate was the first US state to introduce a bill demanding labelling of GMOs. At least twenty other states are following their lead.
“The US market is set to fall and justice will finally prevail when these crops are banned by consumers – who will vote with their wallets,” says Swanwick. “Big agri-tech knows this. It is the reason why they spent US$45 million last year to defeat a bill that would have seen mandatory labelling of GMOs in California. The bill was narrowly lost by
Soil & Health – Organic NZ is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

To view online click here www.organicnz.org.nz/node/687


(1) http://ideas.repec.org/p/fpr/2020br/5.html
(2) http://nz.search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=aaplw&p=suicide+and+indian…
(3) http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/08/22/40-of-u-s-food-wasted-report-says/ 
(4) http://www.ucsusa.org/food_and_agriculture/our-failing-food-system/genet…
(5) http://now.msn.com/hungary-burns-1000-acres-of-gmo-corn-crops
(6) http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/06/connecticut-lawmakers-vote-…
(7) http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC1306/S00052/gm-a-failing-biotechnology-…
(8) Heinemann, J.A., Massaro, M., Coray, D.S., Zanon Agapito-Tenfen, S. and Wen, J.D. (2013) Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (early access online)http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14735903.2013.806408

Proposed changes to Food Bill welcomed

“Proposed changes to the Food Bill to take into consideration public concern regarding genetic engineering and unnecessary regulation and compliance on community and fundraising groups is a welcome relief. It appears that the same is true for small-scale producers” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

Food Safety Minister, Nikki Kaye, announced the changes last week which include reinstating the reference to GM foods to make it clear that the Government has the ability to make New Zealand-only standards relating to GM food in the exceptional circumstances set out in the Food Treaty with Australia. Further changes have been made so that gifting, donating and swapping food in non-commercial exchanges is permissible and that fundraising and ‘Kiwiana’ activities such as sausage sizzles and school fairs will not be regulated other than to ensure food is safe and suitable. Nor will it be mandatory that low-risk and very small-scale activities have Food Handler Guidance.

Th Food Bill will replace the current legislation and regulation including the Food Act of 1981 and 34 separate sets of food safety bylaws around New Zealand.

The Bill will now go back to a Select Committee hearing with changes expected to be effective by summer of 2013. It is expected that there will be further public consultation by the Select Committee.

“Kaye’s ability to cut through the dross on this Bill which could impact the charitable activities of our communities is commendable as too is her insight that GM foods should remain a food safety issue and be reinstated. This is especially topical following the recent announcement of a new groundbreaking report analyzing the effects of GM feed on animals. Scientists have found that pigs fed a diet of GM corn and soy experienced numerous adverse health effects, including sever stomach inflammation and an enlarged uterus which can negatively impact fertility. It is likely that all animals in NZ now, unless organic, are given GM supplementary feed” says Swanwick.

Soil & Health – Organic NZ is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ


(1) http://www.nikkikaye.co.nz/2013/06/12/food-bill-changes-better-balance-l…

(2) http://www.voxy.co.nz/politics/food-bill-changes-better-balance-legislat…

(3) http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10890019

(4) http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2013/06/hard-hitting-report-pigs-fed-gm-…

Toxic fracking waste entering food supply?

”The practice of dumping toxic oil drilling and fracking waste on farmland is compromising the ability of New Zealand farmers to grow good food,” says Debbie Swanwick, Spokesperson, Soil & Health – Organic NZ.

Her comments follow recent media attention that 12 farmers in Taranaki practicing so-called ‘land farming’ are providing milk to Fonterra.

Land farming allows toxic waste from oil drilling and fracking which may include arsenic, lead and mercury to be dumped on land in the hope that it will be neutralized by providing pollution-eating organisms with fertilizer, oxygen, and other conditions that encourage their rapid growth.

”Whilst big oil would have you believe this is effective it really isn’t rocket science that it is not. Their profits should not come at the expense of human health,” says Swanwick. “Fracking wastes have already contaminated groundwater in the US and elsewhere and we need to learn lessons from this.”

Oil companies are giving dairy farmers the same returns for land that would be used for milk production to instead dump this waste, and are also paying for pasture renewal.

With 140 new oil wells in the region forecast in the next two years more land is being demanded.

”To grow good food you need good soil that is contaminant free. Dumping fracking waste on farms is compromising the 100% pure NZ brand and it must stop,” says Swanwick.

”The only way New Zealanders can be assured that our food is free of GE, pesticides, additives and contaminants is to grow or buy organic. Look for the organic certification labels of BioGro, AsureQuality, Demeter or OrganicFarmNZ,” says Swanwick.

Soil & Health – Organic NZ is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer’s right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water that is free of GE, pesticides and additives, and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page and subscribe http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ

