Our submission on the National Organic Standard

Following our public webinar on Tuesday 30 May 2023, we have finalised a submission on the National Organic Standard (NOS). This standard will form the future rules that organic farmers, growers, processors and retailers will be held to.
Submissions to MPI were due on Friday 16 June 2023. Here is the latest MPI update on the proposal: https://mpi.govt.nz/…/proposals-for-the-national…/
Soil & Health’s initial take on the draft standards document:
- The organic principles section still needs a lot of work. It is important that this section is rewritten within the framework of Te Tiriti o Waitangi using the IFOAM principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care to ensure international coherence. This needs to be done in partnership with iwi.
- It lacks a glossary of terms, which it needs for clarity.
- There are still gaps, inconsistencies and inaccuracies.
- More work needs to be done on it and shared with the public (especially what’s in the supplementary notices).
- We need to make a proper international comparison of our organic standard with those from our key trading partners.
- We believe that it is not equivalent to EU organic regulations in allowing container growing of perennials for their whole life cycle (e.g. container blueberry farms).
- Seed treated with prohibited chemicals should not be allowed under our organic standard.
- The shortening of livestock conversion times in this draft is concerning.
- It should be made clear that processed organic products cannot contain GMOs.